
Bele Montaseir´s Inc. Essay

Decent Essays

Belle Montaseur’s Inc. is a high-end shoe company (firm) with a reputation for integrity, quality craftsmanship, and excellence in management. In the final year our Game-to-Date (G-T-D) Score came to eighty five. Belle Montaseur’s Inc. was formed by Michael P. Blattner as an entity in September 2013. In Year Eleven our Net Revenues were $253,670,000. In Year Eighteen our Net Revenues were $273,077,000. We had a couple of down years from not allowing a forty percent markup in prices which was one of our major downfalls (this led to bad numbers for those Years). We did not earn a Gold Star Award like Dashing Shoes did every year.
The Company experienced steady growth in Years Eleven, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, and …show more content…

You can eliminate a plant altogether and entirely sell it off if you are having a lot of trouble in that geographic region. But if you sell off too much capacity that could have a detrimental effect on your plant production and hurt your Game-To-Date score if you do not coincidently open up capacity (open another plant) in one of the other areas that could reap the rewards. Having a plant in an area where you are the sole provider for that region could be a game changer. You have a wide array of decisions screens to choose from and the projections for that Year (and the changes as well) helped me a lot to make sure I was not making mistakes that would hurt my company.
Looking through my SWOT analysis for my company I have the following conclusions: the strength noted was the highest celebrity appeal of all of the teams. I tried to keep my celebrity appeal strong every year to try and promote my product to build a reputation that I had a strong, appealing product (worth coming back for from Year to Year). The celebrities may help you sell more shoes if your other numbers that factor in allow for sales. Having losses in Europe Africa and Latin America may have swayed buyers from being active in those two areas. I could have had more revenues and successes coming out of those two areas, but I could not figure out why I was losing out in those places.
The weakness was one of the lowest stock prices of

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