
Belonging To The Centre Analysis

Decent Essays

Building relationships in early childhood education is very important because children need to feel safe and secure with their teachers. Building relationships provide teachers, children and families with interaction, communication, trust, honesty and have a sense of belonging to the centre. I will discuss the importance of security in the centre, then I will discuss trust and how that is important for children. And lastly I will discuss belonging and how that will influence a child to feel a sense of comfort to enable their learning.
In an early childhood centre children need to feel emotionally safe and protected by their carer’s. This is very important because “Secure, trusting relationships with carer’s provide children with the foundation …show more content…

This will help a child interact more with their teachers and anyone who is involved in the centre, a child will feel more of a way to communicate better, they will feel comfortable opening up to the teachers and children in the centre and will be more confident in exploring the environment provided. Trust is a huge part of allowing a child to be more open and honest about their feelings. Forming trust with a child will promote their well-being. For instance, a first time pre-schooler starts kindergarten and the parent signs him into the centre and sneaks away when leaving because the parent did not want to upset the child, the child then realises the parent has left and is emotionally sad, confused, hurt and feeling so overwhelmed, as a teacher it is our job to ensure the child will feel safe, so we would take the child to the near window where the parent has left and allow the child to say bye to their parent, comforting the child to allow them to feel settled and as well as taking the child to an area they would like to play maybe. In early childhood centres it is very important for the child to feel a trusting relationship with the teacher and vice versa. As said “ Positive and trusting relationships between parents and carer’s are the lifeblood of child care practices that honour the child’s home culture and language to enhance child well-being. Given the diversity of the cultures that …show more content…

Early childhood centres focus on ensuring a child feels a sense of belonging to their centres. For example children and their parents would walk into a centre and will see along the wall photos of children playing around the centre or pictures the children have drawn of their family and also portfolios for parents to see how their child is progressing and the type of work they have been doing. So as teachers we need to form a good relationship with the child’s parents and their families. Getting to know a bit about the child’s background and where they come from is important, informing any religious views the parents might need to address to the centre, getting to know their language and cultural identity. For example when a Maori child and her mother walk into the centre and they greet us teachers with “Kia ora” we should respond and reply with “Kia ora”. This is important to connect and communicate with families so they feel comfortable to express their language in the centre. Having a sense of belonging gives the child confidence and motivation to explore the surrounding areas of an early childhood centre, it will make the child feel strong and the child will be able to deal with any challenges or difficulties that could occur in the

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