
Best Of The Best- Biggest Loser And Dash Diet Compared

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Best of the Best- Biggest Loser and DASH Diet compared.
So we have in our winners.
In a list of 35 popular diets for a study carried out by US News and World Report magazine the expert opinion of assembled experts gave us the verdict of The Biggest Loser diet and the DASH diet as being the best diet for diabetics, in both helping individuals to prevent the disease or for those who already have it, reversing it. But is there really a best of the best. Amongst these two champions, is there yet a champion still? I decided to do a step by step comparison in order to find out.
I compared two sample menus used by the panel assembled by and used by the US News experts. Whereas the Biggest Loser diet provided for Breakfast, snack, Lunch, Snack …show more content…

This is against the recommended daily amount of between 20 to 35 percent on these scores.
Saturated fat, both diets have down to about 5 percent, although the DASH diets 2300 mg edges further with an additional percentage (at 6 percent). These both fall within the borders of the below 10 percent recommendation. On fats therefore, I score them evenly.
Both satisfy the requirement for total carbohydrates to make up between 45 to 65 percent of daily recommended caloric intake. The Biggest Loser diet at 50 percent whilst the DASH diet at 56 and 55 percent respectively. On that note I score these diets evenly also. Both in most part equally meet the standard for fiber, although the Biggest Losers 31g falls short of the 34g recommendation for men ages 19 to 30 years old. Further since, a fiber rich diet has been noted as a key factor in the prevention and reversal and management of diabetes, the DASH diets higher figures-36 and 37 g to the biggest Loser 31 g in my opinion places the DASH diet on this score, ahead of the Biggest Loser diet.
For protein the recommended benchmark is between 10 to 35 percent of daily caloric intake. Both diets make the grade. The Biggest Loser diet at 30 percent whereas the DASH diet at the lower end of the mark at 18 percent. The reason for this latter figure pertaining to the DASH diet may be because of the avowed design of the diet to stop hypertension and thus the

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