
Biblical Worldview : The Question Of Worldview

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Biblical Worldview Paper Everyone has a worldview whether it is Biblical or Christian depends on various factors from your upbringing to different events in your life. If you believe in Christ you will have a biblical worldview. How you came to Christ will also affect your biblical worldview, if you came to him as a child your experience and worldview will be very different than someone who came to it later and through many trials. What is a worldview? Merriam-Webster defines world view as a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint – called also weltanschauung. So basically put: A worldview is a way that you look at the world. There are many factors that go into the making of one's world view upbringing, life experiences, media, education, and the work that they choose. The one good thing about a worldview the same as life is that it can change. You are not stuck with the same world view that you had as a child and you are not stuck with the same world view that you have as an adult either. The Question of Origin – The question of our Origin is one that has baffled many a man and woman throughout human history. In Genesis 1-3 we have the biblical record of Origin. Then we also have science’s version evolution that man evolved and we just came to be and we are all magic stardust. Making something out of nothing. In Genesis 2:7 it states that we come from dirt and he breathed life into our nostrils. In November 2013 Cornell

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