
Bioinformatic Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Bioinformatic Analysis of Functional Proteins involved in obesity associated with diabetes

Sometimes the body cannot produce enough of insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas) to facilitate glucose found in blood into surrounding cells; this can sometimes lead to hyperinsulinemia (high blood glucose concentration). People who have this condition are usually diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus, and according to the National Diabetes Statistics report, if hyperinsulinemia is not checked over time it can lead to a variety of diseases which include: stroke, renal failure, heart disease, foot and eye problems, dental problems, and even nerve damage. There are different classifications of diabetes mellitus such as type-2 diabetes mellitus …show more content…

They identify the more common gene-encoding proteins that link obesity and diabetes.

The study design is broken down into two phases; phase one is to identify and extract literature that focuses on gene-encoding proteins involved in the link between obesity and diabetes. Once these gene-encoding proteins are identified, the sequences, in FASTA format, are extracted from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Phase 2 then analyzes those genes by utilizing the Multiple Sequence Alignment provided by the ClustalW tool found online. With the sequence aligned phylogenetic tress and alignment scores can be visualized for better analysis of potential homologies. Results identify seventeen proteins one of them being resistin; resistin has a number factors that contribute to obesity including the increase in fatty acid and adipocytokine levels. This is important because adipocytokines have been linked to the development of insulin resistance. Resistin has been thoroughly studied in regards to the link it plays in obesity and diabetes. One study that this article highlights is that insulin, FFAs, and TNF-a (known resistin inhibitors) are increased in obesity, however, this statement contradicts other studies performed in human and rodent students making resistin a controversial protein linking obesity and diabetes. Other gene-encoding proteins that have been linked to obesity and diabetes are ADIPOQ, MAPK8, and ICAM1.


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