The Blackland Prairie is a very diverse ecoregion, despite its diminutive size.
There are many unique types of animals in the Blackland Prairie; here are a few examples of animals in the Blackland Prairie. One example of one of these animals is the nine-banded armadillo. The nine-banded armadillo is a large, short and brown armadillo with a long tail and nine lines on its shell (therefore its name). They typically eat grubs, insects, berries, and eggs. This scaly critter lives in most of Texas besides the west, they typically live in woods, brush, grasslands and forests. Another one of the many examples of animals in this diverse ecoregion is the black-tailed prairie dog. These chubby, stubby, brown, and furry balls of cuteness live along the border of Mexico. It lives in dry, flat, sparsely vegetated grasslands. These rodents like to consume things like plants, insects, seeds, and grasses. These items make up most of their diet. They are habitat modifiers just like beavers, they build burrows underground close to each other. These are called towns.
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Among these diverse plants is the black walnut tree. The black walnut tree is a tall tree with dark brown wood and vibrant green leaves. The black walnut tree is a deciduous tree is in the walnut family (Juglandaceae). Native to Eastern North America, the black walnut tree is a beautiful tree. Another example of this wondrous ecoregion is the Castilleja indivisa. Commonly known in Texas as the Indian paintbrush. The Castilleja is a bright red (sometimes yellow) paintbrush wildflower, and it can grow up to 16 in high. The roots of the plant will grow until they touch other plant's roots. Then, they penetrate those roots of the host and get
The name of my tribe is the Eastern Woodlands. The location of my tribe is in the Southeast portion of North America. The Eastern Woodlands have more than one tribe. Two of them were called the Mohawks and Huron. The Eastern Woodlands covered up the East Coast of North America from the Atlantic to the West of the Mississippi River. This is some of the information about my tribe called the Eastern
The rangelands of the west are the legendary rolling hills and wide-open spaces of American history and folklore. Federal and nonfederal rangelands include grasslands, deserts, tundra, mountains, canyons, and riparian areas. Federal rangelands are primarily managed by the Bureau of Land Management, an agency of the U.S. Department of the Interior, and the U.S. Forest Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Rangelands include wilderness areas and provide habitat for millions of plants, wild animals, and fish, including 74 threatened or endangered species (“Rangeland Health”). Rangeland is the base of forage for most of the livestock industry in America. They also provide recreational opportunities, wildlife habitat, and off-site
The black-tailed prairie dog’s scientific name is Cynomys ludovicianus that, colorfully, means “dog mouse of Louisiana.” It lives in North America in the Great Plains region of the United States. Its territory stretches all the way to the borders of Canada and Mexico, but not to the coasts. The black-tailed prairie dog is the most common and prolific of all prairie dogs, and has the largest territory. Prairie dog towns, a system of burrows that are close together and can span miles, are subdivided into wards, coteries, and individuals on a downward sliding scale depending on population size.
Russell Creek Park is in large community park which located at Plano. It has soccer court volleyball court and lake etc. After weekend especially after children soccer game people will left with garbage. Who is responsibility for it? It is the people who went to the Park’s responsibility. As a student our power is not so big, but we can still do something small to help it.
The tallgrass prairie has been reduced to less than one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) of the original area that it used to cover. Because of the small percentage of remaining area of the tallgrass prairie, ecologists might feel that the tallgrass parries is the most endangered ecosystem. It is believed to have covered around 25 million acres in Minnesota and Iowa at one point, but now there is less than 300,000 acres scattered around Minnesota and Iowa. The remaining acres of tallgrass prairie is scattered in small areas that do not have much wildlife value. Since the area is so scattered, many animals that live in these tallgrass prairies are having troubles finding places to live because they don’t want to make their nest on the edge for fear
Lets take a trip back in time to 1884 in the Black Hills of South Dakota. A New York lawyer had just traveled there to inspect mining claims in that region. The man 's name was Charles E. Rushmore. Rushmore was curious by one of the mountains and asked a towns person what the name of the mountain was. The towns person replied saying it had no name. From then on Charles Rushmore started calling it Rushmore Peak. Over time it became known as Mount Rushmore ( During the following years the area of the Black Hills decided they wanted to start attracting tourist the region. I the early 1920s the state historian of South Dakota, Doane Robinson, came up with an idea to attract tourist. He thought of the idea to to carve famous historic heroes of the west into the side of the mountain ( In 1924, Robinson decided to contact the famous American sculptor, Gutzon Borgium, about his idea. Borgium at the time was working on another project for Georgia, but Robinson was able to convince him to abandon his project and come
The major plains indians that fight the u.s. intensively were the Sioux in the northern plains, the Cheyenne and the arapacho in the middle plains, and the Comanche in the southern plains. All these tribes have been in constant war with other tribes, the Sioux and Cheyenne against the crows and shoshones for example.
Historically, prairies covered over one-hundred and seventy million acres of North America and stretched from the Rocky Mountains to the east side of the Mississippi; and from Saskatchewan, south to Texas. It was once the continent’s largest continuous ecosystem, supporting an enormous quantity of plants and animals. Prairies began appearing in the mid-section of our continent eight- to ten-thousand years ago and have developed into one of the most complex and diverse ecosystems in the world, surpassed only by Brazil’s rainforest: from the extreme heat and drought in August to the bitter cold winters locked in frigid winds and ice.
In 1932 at The University of Kansas four women-Agnes Thompson, Amida Stanton, Rose Morgan, and Hannah Oliver made it their mission to designate an area known to many at KU called the Prairie Acre, as a space to be protected for future generations. The plot of land that is located on the southeast corner of campus behind Blake hall is the only vestige of native prairie that has been untouched by modern landscaping and maintenance techniques. The importance of preserving and restoring the prairie has been a conversation that has been ongoing for more than 83 years now. Faculty and alumni worked hard to promote the protection of this plot of land in the 1940’s but like many projects during that time, the focus on preserving the prairie acre took
Timberland is a name we all know and trust. There's a reason for that. They make boots that can take a beating, and the Timberland PRO Men's Steel Trax 6" Steel-Toe Boot is no exception. In fact, if the regular boots are durable and tough, imagine how the work boot category fares.
The importance of preserving Pawnee National Grassland is essential, to not only us, but also for the environment. Pawnee National Grasslands is one of the largest grasslands in the world, situated in Colorado, USA. It covers over 700 km2 of area, which means that it has one of the largest roles in shaping the environment in the surrounding area. Destroying Pawnee National Grasslands will have dire consequences on the ecosystem, including causing a trophic cascade devastating the food chain, increase the intensity and damage caused by flooding, and increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the air which will cause global warming/climate change,
The American prairies are located in the center of North America. The prairies reach north from Canada down to southern Texas, and west from Indiana to the Rocky Mountains. The climate of the prairies changes the type of the prairie. Tall grass prairie or "the true prairie" is located where the climate is more wet. and the short grass prairie is located where the climate is more dry. The amount of rainfall in the prairies changes yearly. It is usually somewhere between 12.6 inches and 21.7 inches. In the prairie the summers are hot and the winters are cold. The summer is a very dry time. About every 30 years or so there is a drought. And between 1 and 5 years there is a fire. The fire burns the dead grasses and the other similar plants which
A few years ago on a hot, summer afternoon, I went fishing with my step-brother. We went to a place called Spring Park. We ventured through the busy area. The park was full of playful kids who were enjoying their summer afternoon. Finally, me and my brother got to the old, wooden, swinging bridge. After crossing this bridge and trudging through tall muggy grass, we came upon a spring. This relaxing spot seemed like a nice place to fish. Unfortunately, my brother dropped his pole in the opaque water below. I volunteered to find it, and I dove in. Despite the day being a hot one, the water was ice cold. I rose to the surface and told my brother, "You're not getting your pole back!" We both laughed and went home. We did not catch any fish that
Savannas are characterized by grass-covered land with a scattering of shrubs or trees; savannas have two layers, grass, and shrubs or trees. The savannas of the world are found in South America and are known as cerrado, Africa as miombo, and Australia as the mulga.The vegetation is determined by the amount of rainfall. The large variation in the rainfall which has a distinct pattern and an average monthly temperature of 18 degrees and above is another feature of the savanna. Savannas are also known for their flat relief like places such as plateau. Herbivores both invertebrates and vertebrates called this place and feed by grazing or browsing and living on the herbivores are a range of cats dogs and hyenas. The soils in these areas are nutrient
The great outdoors is a story of a very memorable camping trip. This story takes place at Curt Gowdy State Park in Cheyenne, Wyoming. My grandma and grandpa invited me (I am 7) and my sister (Marissa who is 13 at the time) to go camping with them because they just got a fifth wheel. We got packed up and started the drive down. Let's just say that my grandpa isn't exactly the best driver. It involved almost running into the mailbox, driving too close to the oncoming lane, taking too wide of a turn, and going too fast on the highway. After the eventful drive, we got unpacked and made it just in time for lunch.