
Blackland Prairie Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Blackland Prairie is a very diverse ecoregion, despite its diminutive size.
There are many unique types of animals in the Blackland Prairie; here are a few examples of animals in the Blackland Prairie. One example of one of these animals is the nine-banded armadillo. The nine-banded armadillo is a large, short and brown armadillo with a long tail and nine lines on its shell (therefore its name). They typically eat grubs, insects, berries, and eggs. This scaly critter lives in most of Texas besides the west, they typically live in woods, brush, grasslands and forests. Another one of the many examples of animals in this diverse ecoregion is the black-tailed prairie dog. These chubby, stubby, brown, and furry balls of cuteness live along the border of Mexico. It lives in dry, flat, sparsely vegetated grasslands. These rodents like to consume things like plants, insects, seeds, and grasses. These items make up most of their diet. They are habitat modifiers just like beavers, they build burrows underground close to each other. These are called towns. …show more content…

Among these diverse plants is the black walnut tree. The black walnut tree is a tall tree with dark brown wood and vibrant green leaves. The black walnut tree is a deciduous tree is in the walnut family (Juglandaceae). Native to Eastern North America, the black walnut tree is a beautiful tree. Another example of this wondrous ecoregion is the Castilleja indivisa. Commonly known in Texas as the Indian paintbrush. The Castilleja is a bright red (sometimes yellow) paintbrush wildflower, and it can grow up to 16 in high. The roots of the plant will grow until they touch other plant's roots. Then, they penetrate those roots of the host and get

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