
Boston's Crash Site: Flight 457

Decent Essays

Crash Site Flight 457 heading to England from Boston went down on January 22, 2005. There were no survivors, or so they thought so until one man emerged from the wrecked site of the Boeing 747. He only had a few things with him, a will to survive, and basic survival knowledge. Tom, one of the only survivors emerged from the plane, confused, lost, and a little scared. He checked his phone in his back pocket, broken. Tom climbed back into the plane and searched for a working phone, there were no smartphones, but all he found was one very strong flip phone, he tried to turn it on but found that the phone was dead. Okay he thought Just remain calm and you can do this. Tom then grabbed anything useful, including a trusty pocket knife, that was a little dull, a small Bic lighter, …show more content…

Tom handed Lily the plane axe and got started cutting down a small pine tree, it took him two hours to cut down the thick tree, but once he did it took him another four hours to cut the trunk into even logs. Once he was done he made a makeshift log carrier with some cloth he found back at the plane and dragged all the logs back to the camp. “Well that only took like twenty hours,” Tom said sarcastically and exhausted. “While you were doing that,” Lily said excited, “I made us a nicer campsite,” she swept her hand across the site, she was right, it looked a lot nicer. The campsite now had little benches to sit on by the fire, a cabinet for meds, food, cans, and other small food and water items. “Wow you really did get a lot done while I was gone, I think I may be a little out of shape, no wonder it took me so long,” Tom said, a little bit disappointed in

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