
Breakfast Rhetorical Analysis

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Between Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, Breakfast is the Winner Every morning when I wake up, I am not thinking about a plate of pancakes hot off the griddle or a freshly poured bowl of cereal, but rather I am striving to squeeze in every last minute of sleep I can get. With this being the case, I almost never eat breakfast. The question on whether breakfast is important to the human health has been pondered over the years. From a young age, we are always told that you must eat breakfast because it is the most important meal of the day. However, not everyone believes breakfast has this importance in living a healthy lifestyle. In an article written by John L. Ivy, PhD of the University of Texas at Austin titled “Why is Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day,” Ivy goes on to answer this puzzling question and explains in depth exactly what the title suggests: why breakfast is the most important meal of the day. By introducing his expertise on the topic and providing an ample amount of scientific evidence, research, and definitions pulled from multiple different sources, Ivy effectively organizes his article to inform the reader that breakfast is essential in living a healthy lifestyle. From the text, it can be inferred that the author is a credible source and has acquired an extensive amount of knowledge on the importance of breakfast in living out a healthy lifestyle through his research. In the article’s second paragraph, Ivy defines his theory of “nutrient timing.”

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