
Broken Bone

Decent Essays

What is a fracture? A fracture is also known as a broken bone. A bone that may be entirely broken or may be comparatively broken. The causes for such fractures may depend on the age group or on a accident. As a person ages, their bones may weaken because of the lack of natural bone tissue.
For women who have had menopause, their decrease in female hormone production causes their bone to become thinner. Other factors may also be involved in the weakening of the bones: certain medications, smoking, alcohol, or any medical conditions. Because your bones become more frail and brittle as one ages, something as simple as stepping with more force can lead to a fracture in your bone. Having a fracture is very painful and very hard to miss because they is aching around the site of the injury. However, there might be times in where you might not feel the pain of the fracture and might only be visible through an x-ray. When an accident occurs and to much force is being put upon the bone, it may break. Depending on the force, the bone may break to only a small crack, or it can break thoroughly. However, in some situations, the bone may shatter. There are a few different type of common types of fractures: stable fracture, open, compound fracture, transverse fracture, oblique fracture, and comminuted fracture. Stable fracture is when the fractured …show more content…

For the most part, your bones will heal by themselves but they have to be lined up and placed properly in order for them to heal correctly. It is highly important for the pieces to be put back together correctly and for very limited movement. They have to gain strength, motion, and sensitivity. If worst comes to worst, then surgery would be needed to fix a bone or to an internal fixation would be placed. There's a few variety of treatments a doctor uses to treat fractures: cast immobilization, functional cast or brace, traction, external

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