
Burger Ranch

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Service or Complementary Goods
Burger Ranch’s restaurant has been shut down and this creates an opportunity for Burger Ranch to search for new ways in attracting customers, “most products exist in an ecosystem of complementary goods and services, each of which influences the others’ sales and prices” (Garr). For example, by Burger Ranch offering free Wi-Fi connectivity inside their restaurants, Burger Ranch has created a potential advantage over other nearby fast food restaurants. Offering Wi-Fi connectivity allows Burger Ranch to tap into the pool of consumers who own some type of technological device. Even if customers decided to enter the restaurant for the sole purpose of using free Wi-Fi, customers who linger inside the restaurant would …show more content…

321). Kim Peterson, in 9 Things Fast Food is Doing Right, mentions that customers look for quality food, “McDonald's said it would phase out using chicken raised with antibiotics that are key to human health.” If Burger Ranch kept an eye on the supply chain and ensured that their producers provided high quality products, customers would appreciate the integrity Burger Ranch adopted.
Furthermore, Peterson writes that, “Chipotle doesn't offer the cheapest lunch out there, and it doesn't need to. Customers gladly pay more for organic and locally raised ingredients that don't have antibiotics or pesticides” (Peterson). …show more content…

In other words, McDonalds works efficiently and it is reflected in the way it operates its workers, all workers specialize in a specific task while practicing specialization and it creates highly knowledgeable and productive workers. Having highly productive workers is important for Burger Ranch because it could mean avoiding a disgruntled customer who chooses the next best alternative. It is more productive for Burger Ranch to implement a division of labor in their business, which will provide customer’s meals with timeliness and accuracy. This will also benefit managers as they will be able to see the flow of work, ensuring each employee takes full accountability for their responsibility in the assembly line. Writer Jenn Harris says, “The speed of service at McDonald's has gone up to 189.49 seconds, a minor increase from 188.83 seconds, while the average wait time for an order at Chick fil-A is 203.88 seconds, 13 seconds more than last year” (Harris). Ultimately, having specialization in the assembly line will take away from employees having to juggle multiple tasks and can focus on the task at hand whether it is assembling the burger, handing over the order or ringing up

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