
Business And Enterprise : Business Skills

Decent Essays

Business and Enterprise Business skills To be an outstanding businessman/entrepreneur you must require a large range of skills and qualities such as communication skills, time management and relationship building. I believe that I have many of these qualities with earlier period event and competitions that strengthens my point. I have great communicating skills seeing that I articulate unhurriedly, clearly as well as also taking into account of who I am talking to. This is a compulsory ability to have when engaging with the addressees. I have participated in many open days, assemblies, charities and fund raisers in which I have received exceptional feedback for the way I engaged myself with the audience. ‘Time is of the essence’ is an …show more content…

Unfortunately, we came second, just a few points following the winners. To be an excellent leader, one must be practical, passionate and must use the team’s strengths to its advantages. I have always been an individual who persuades others to achieve something in their tasks by helping them and praising them at all times. At all-time I try to make the best choices and decisions for my team, hoping to bring the best out of all of them. However, I believe that my weak spot and a place for improvement is that I do not delegate work or tasks fairly. I make a decision that we need to complete the task early so we could use the auxiliary time in making changes and improving our work qualities and removing the smallest of mistakes. Competencies I have many competencies which are very valuable when it comes to grouped or singular assignments. This is a very advantageous characteristic to have as a youthful prospect, trying to accomplish the most excellent honors in this small world. These are a number of those skills which I encompass. Debating is an aptitude which requires making inquiries and communicating. For this reason, I am an all the rage choice when it comes to debate a matter .The reason for this is that I am very formal and straight to the point .I am also very good at making people consider that what I articulate is correct and

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