
Essay on Business Industry Training for Hospotality Industry

Decent Essays

Before we begin our career, especially in Hospitality Industry, we need to know skills, competencies and even weaknesses. This individual essay assessment, that given by Business Industry Training Team, can use as a tool to know individual reflection about our skills, weaknesses that need to develop or even goals in the form of a Pre-Development Plan which will be useful during our internship and future career. This assessment will explain about my goals, strengths and development areas, competencies and what action I need to take. Framework
Professional Goal
Diana S. Hunt said, “Goals are dreams with deadlines”. Dreaming about your future and then you try to make it happen within limited time, we call this goal. When I was …show more content…

Also because my curiosity is a bit high, I love to travel, learning things, and exploring new places. In my school, teachers like me because I obey rules and always focused in everything I did. Once, I decided to get the highest grade and I really got it three or four times. My developing areas are my languages skills, examples, my English and French. I need to improve my responsibility and more independent by studying far from home. Because responsibility and independent are needed to start career in any industry. Skills for Internship
In hospitality industry, we need to be attentive to details, friendly, be able to do multitasking, and multi-languages. To exceed guess satisfaction, you need to be observant, means you need to attentive to details (example refilling water glass without guess demand). We need to communicate with a lot of people from all around the world. If we can speak their languages, they will be proud because we can speak their languages and we have to be friendly to make huge network. Work in hospitality industry also means we might handle multiple responsibilities simultaneously (Hcareers, 2013). I embrace some skills that we need to start career in hospitality industry like attentive to details, I am capable of doing multitasking and I speak four languages (Indonesia-mother tongue, English, and

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