
C2005 Curriculum Analysis

Decent Essays
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CAPS – Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement
C2005 – Curriculum 2005
DOE – Department of Education
NCS – National Curriculum statement
OBE – Outcome Based Education

Let me begin by introducing this essay with a significant quote:
“If the structure does not permit dialogue the structure must be changed” – Paulo Freire

The first steps in the transformation of education and training were made when the Ministry of Education published the “White Paper” as far back as 1995. This was the start to the radical changes in the educational system in the new democratic South African. An integrated approach which is mentioned in the introduction – Chapter two of the White paper reveals what changes were intent.
Universal Declaration of …show more content…

Some of the legacy for the Outcomes based Education (OBE) was identified with the ideas of the educational theorist Ralph Tyler, which teaching methods are still referred to even though the curriculum has changed.
Tyler’s ideas for curriculum development are clearly of social preparation and personal development. Tyler believed that learning was the ultimate purpose of schooling and that a curriculum should be designed for effective learning. He believed that the key intention of schooling is to become skilled.
His approach is made up of four steps:
• Identifying the school purpose
• Determine the lesson material to be

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