
CY-Harm Identifies Children at Risk to Harm Others

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CY-Harm to Others CAP

The CY-Harm to Others CAP identifies children and youth at risk to harm others, and provides guidelines for immediate intervention of acute aggressive episodes and prevention of future incidents. This CAP applies to young persons in community and inpatient mental health settings.


There are many ways in which a young person can cause harm to others (for example, physical aggression, verbal abuse, intimidation, coercion). Multiple factors are associated with harmful behaviours, including:
• Individual factors: prior history of violence, aggression, or self harm, diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, or oppositional defiant disorder, high impulsivity, substance use, lack of empathy, psychosis, early puberty and precocious sexualized behaviour (particularly in girls).
• Social factors: school difficulties, peer rejection, or association with antisocial or delinquent peers or gangs.
• Family factors: conflictual relationship within the home, caregiver criminality, violence or antisocial behaviour, neglect, chronic stress in the home.
• Environment factors: living in a neighbourhood with violence, poverty or high crime.

With age, harmful behaviours tend to become more calculative and planned. Reactive aggression is an emotionally charged response to a perceived threat, and begins at a much younger age, compared with proactive aggression, which is controlled, lacks emotion, and is goal or reward oriented.

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