
Cardiac Diet Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Cardiac Diet
Missaprie Harris
Monroe College
July 8, 2015
HC 292-01
Joan Morris
In this society, many people have become over weight due to many advertised sugar packed foods and drinks. Due to this, cardiovascular disease has become an epidemic in America with “Heart disease being one of the top killers for both men and women” (Heart Disease Facts. (2015, February 19). Retrieved July 7, 2015). In an attempt to try and lower the rates of this disease doctors have come up with a cardiac diet to help and prolong the lives of the many people diagnosed with this disease and it’s symptoms. This essay will focus on what is the cardiac diet, the risks and benefits and the education resources available.
The cardiac diet is meant to prevent …show more content…

All over the United States healthy life styles have been promoted more and more each year. As recently as the early 2010 the First Lady, Michelle Obama launched a “Let’s Move” campaign in attempt to get America’s people up and active. This campaign has impacted the lives of many Americans of all ages and sizes. The campaign emphasizes the benefits of being active and making your heart healthy. Since the campaign, American companies and public areas have been promoting exercise and healthy living. In all public schools a child nutrition act has been placed which incorporates low-fat dairy products, vegetables and whole grains. All unhealthy vending machines have been removed and replaced with new ones that contain infused water, baked goods, grains and natural foods. These movements have been very beneficial to make people become more active and aware of their …show more content…

In some small rural areas supermarkets have begun selling organic fruits and vegetables and poultry. Super markets like Trader Joes and Whole Foods have become dedicated to sell healthier alternative food choices instead of traditional ones. For example, instead of them selling peanut butter they sell organic almond butter and instead of them selling vegetable oil they sell coconut oil and olive oil. These small steps that these communities have made make a big impact on the people surrounding them. Even some celebrities have even decided to take a turn and change their lifestyle around to become healthier and more active. So, if they can make the change so can

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