
Care And The Cancer Patient

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Approach to Care and the Cancer Patient
Jennifer Swartz
Grand Canyon University NRS 410
October 28, 2012

Approach to Care and the Cancer Patient
“When it comes to cancer care, studies suggest that survival rates improve for patients when they are cared for by a multidisciplinary team” (Approach to Care, 2012, p. 1). This quote from the Wilmot Cancer Center’s article on how to approach care with cancer patients sums up two key pieces in approaching cancer care. First is survival. When a patient first hears the word cancer survival is the one thing they want addressed; this identifies the emotional approach to care that is needed. The second key piece is the word team. A cancer patient, much like any patient, does not fit a diagnosis mold and requires input from many disciplines; this identifies the physical approach to care. Care needs to be tailored and customized to fit the patients’ needs. Individualized care is done through multidisciplinary teams that function under the direction of a primary doctor ensuring emotional and physical needs are met. Upon creation of a multidisciplinary team, staff works with patients to form a treatment plan that balances the best outcomes and patients’ consent. It is important the patient agrees with the care plan and the approach set forth by the team in order to ensure maximum compliance. It is also important the patient understands the diagnosis and staging of the cancer

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