
Carl Jung 's Theory Of Psychology Essay

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Carl Jung - Theory 1 Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and created the idea, and established the school of analytical psychology. He proposed and developed the extroverted and introverted personality, archetypes, and the collective unconscious. Jung felt as if he was both a extroverted and introverted person, as if he had two personalities. Jung had a lonely childhood and observed his family and the adults in his life. He watched over his parents and teachers, in order to understand their behavior, especially the behavior of his father. Through his work, Jung outlined one of his basic concepts, the underlying processes of what we perceive to be our psyche. Jung decided to study word association in patients. With word association Jung associated the word complex. Jung also wanted to understand the symbolic meaning of the unconscious. He was interested in tracing the analogies between the contents of the unconscious in Western man and the myths, cults, and rituals of primitive peoples. Analytical psychology assumes the occult phenomena will influence lives of Jung’s patients. Those patients would inherit experiences from ancestors as a form of a collective unconscious. Analytical psychology would aim at achieving a balance between opposing forces and people motivated by both conscious and unconscious thoughts. The levels of the psyche in Jung 's theory goes from the conscious, which is the psychic images sensed by the ego, to the personal unconscious, the forgotten or

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