
Case-Control Case Study Essay

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3. Results A total number of 75 individuals was enrolled in this Case-Control study. They were grouped into two groups; patients group in which 50 individuals were included and healthy controls group in which 25 individuals were involved. The mean of age for patients group was 31.88  9.16 year, while the mean of age for controls was 27.56  7.33 year and P value was 0.044 that is statistically significant. Distribution of gender was similar in patients and controls (96% females to 4% males) and P value was 1 that is statistically not significant. There was no noticeable difference in the mean of body mass index (BMI) between patients 25.47  4.13 kg/m2 and controls 25.31  3.96 kg/m2. SLEDAI score in patients was

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