Executive Summary In 2002, Shell Canada launched its online store called eStore for its customers. The objective was to keep costs low by having a self-service technology so that agricultural customers can buy their products without the need for a sales-representative. The statistics from eStore showed even though the number of customers who signed up for eStore was close to the target, number of customers who actually used eStore remained low. The problem seemed to be mainly due to customers having difficulty with the service. According to customer’s feedbacks, many encountered various technical problems when they tried to place orders. Others just preferred traditional methods of buying what they needed, while the remaining group were …show more content…
Source: (“Canada Oil & Gas Report”, 2011)
Year Revenue (in million US $) Net Profit (in million US $)
2010 368,056 20,474
2009 278,188 12,718
2008 458,361 26,277
2007 355,782 31,331
2006 318,845 25,422
Table 3 – Financial Statistics. Source: (“Canada Oil & Gas Report”, 2011)
Total shareholder return (%) 17.1 17.0
Net cash from operating activities ($ billion) 37 27
Project delivery (%) 79 75
Production available for sale (thousand boe/d) 3,215 3,314
Sales of liquefied natural gas (million tonnes) 18.8 16.8
Refinery and chemical plant availability (%) 91.2 92.4
Total recordable case frequency (injuries per million working hours) 1.2 1.2 ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
Earnings on a current cost of supplies basis attributable to Royal Dutch Shell plc shareholders ($ million) 28,625 18, 643
Earnings per share on a current cost of supplies basis ($) 4.61 3.04
Net capital investment ($ million) 23,503 23,680
Return on average capital employed (%) 15.9 11.5
Gearing at December 31 (%) 13.1 17.1
Table 4 – Performance Indicators. Source: (Shell Annual Report 2011, n.d.)
Earnings (in billions) Revenues (in billions)
Coastal Medical Center had a period of growth and success under the previous CEO. When this CEO retired, the successor made many decisions that were detrimental to the organization. The medical center went from a net profit of $52.5 million in 2012, to a net loss of $16 million in 2015. With the hiring of a third CEO, CMC began to identify the many problems the organization was facing. Some of the main problems discovered by the new CEO include over staffing, duplication of functions, and excessive amount of special projects, over spending, poor materials management, and errors in billing. It seemed that every day the CEO was uncovering yet another problem.
How would Ed’s blood help protect him from a foreign invader such as the one now in his system?
Consumers are always satisfied with good customer service. When it comes to retail store customer service and satisfaction it is important because department stores are large in size and finding help can be difficult. Colloquy, a company concerned with building customer value, released a survey and asked 3,000 consumers across five geographical areas to rate their personal experiences with retailers. Macy’s was ranked number one in the department store category, with the most loyal customers. To keep up with technology advances Macy’s has invested time and money into developing a more efficient online shopping site, Macys.com and Macysweddingchannel. This investment cost nearly $300 million in 2006-2008 is being used to scale-up these fast-growing businesses through improvements in delivery efficiency, online site functionality and customer service. To enhance the shopping experience at Macy’s 100 stores in 2007 experienced remodeling and began introducing the most advanced POS registers and systems to the sales floors nationwide. Macy’s passion is product and people. There continuing pursuit is to have unique fashionable merchandise ready for customer satisfaction. Macy’s promise is to always carry the best brands and the most-wanted items. They also believe in hiring the right employees. With the right employees, there will be a sense of motivation and helpfulness. The American Customer Satisfaction Index covers 200 companies’ products and
The acquisition and post-acquisition period for Mt. Mercy Hospital/Sister Mary Theresa’s purchase of Abbott Hospital experienced several organizational change issues. Within Dr. Belasen’s corporate communications model “CVFCC,” several quadrants became compromised. During the acquisition period, conflict arose within the realm of Investor Relations and Government Relations. Conflict continued to arise after the acquisition – specifically within the quadrant of Employee Relations.
On the 24th February 2000, Victoria was taken semi-conscious and suffering from; hypothermia, multiple organ failure and malnutrition, to a local church. The taxi driver that collected them from the church was so horrified at her condition, that he took them straight to A and E. Victoria died the following day.
Our main objective was to understand the Salt Lake City consumers better and learn how we can develop our features and interface in order to fit the Salt Lake City area most effectively. The main problems we came across were consumers were confused on the idea, concerns about having an Amazon account, and people wanted local produce. As we looked at our research data from [Appendix 1] we learned about the main concerns from both two male interviewees and female interweiees. Ranking from 1-10 we able to identify that women's main concerns were health issues and male issues were primary time concerns. To solve these issues we begin with “Blue Sky” solutions, the first being everyone has a chance to create an Amazon account in store through
According to Turban and King (2003), internet technology renders retailers an additional channel for branding, transactions and customer relationship management, the adaptation of which may drive down retailers’ transaction costs, and ensuring faster and higher quality of customer interactions, resulting in enlarging the existing markets and consumer base. M&S realizes this and have tried to sell clothing via high street stores as well as via internet though they have experienced cost cutting, rationalisation and management changes in order to revive their business in recent years. Internet technology might enable sustainable competitive advantage, but problems remain on how to physically organize their online retail operations.
This paper will examine the current and future use of internet technologies that Boohoo.com undertakes. ‘The company’s mission is to provide a visually stimulating, invigorating and evolving on-line shopping experience, which offers inspirational products, exciting promotions and unsurpassed customer service.’ (Boohoo, 2010)
Amazon.com operates in the Online Retail Industry. The sector is one of the fastest growing globally and is outperforming the ordinary retail marketplace. It was created after 1995 and it was only the Internet that made it possible for such an industry not only to be established but to become one of the most flourishing sectors in the business environment. What is interesting is that Amazon.com, together with eBay is the pioneer in the field. Both companies were launched in 1995 and are still extremely successful. The creation of e-mail in 1996 had a huge impact on the development of online retail by introducing a fast and easy way to communicate with customers. For this two-year period Internet usage
Tesco is the largest UK store, founded in 1999 by Cohen. It is currently among the principal retailers in the world (Akridge, 2012). The company has undergone different steps to put up with customer demand (Piercy, 2012). Because of these steps, changes have occurred that have increased customer satisfaction (consortium, 2006). This has introduced self checkout systems which have increased sales and save more time while shopping (Jones 2008). These systems also bring challenges (infrastructure network 2002). Different solutions can be used to counter these problems
#1 With no change in volume (utilization), is the clinic projected to make a profit?
Rue 21 is one of the many retailers that are geared towards teens, however what set them apart from the rest is their affordability. This company strives to keep all of its merchandise under 35 dollars. Rue 21 has locations in various strip malls with 52 percent, regional mall 31 percent and outlet centers 17 there are pros and cons that affect the company for each of them (Berman, 2009). Having this store in a strip center can be a really great thing for consumers put not such a positive thing for the company as a whole. The positive to a strip mall is that it is easily accessible for customers to find and shop at the location. Strip malls have less congestion when it comes to parking, which makes for a more pleasurable for shoppers like
Imagine yourself lying on an operating table, motionless, quiet. Above, you notice people standing over you. You try to speak but the words just cannot come out. Your arms feel as if they are plastered to the table. You begin to stand up but feel as if weights are strapped to your back and you are bound to the table. Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your midsection. In and out, you see a surgeon slicing your body open with a scalpel. Every motion the masked person makes is as if you are being torn apart from the inside out. One would hope this would simply be a nightmare and they will wake up and everything will be fine. In this instance, this person will
The traditional retail market has been transformed by technological advances. The internet today has allowed consumers to purchase various products from home ranging from apparel to groceries. The online shopping market has grown significantly within the past decade, leading to many online e-commerce startups such as Amazon, eBay, and mobile start-ups such as Instacart. While e-commerce provides convenience for shopping, it has created major disruption to the traditional shopping industries. Traditional retailers have since faced bankruptcy due to their inability to compete with such start-ups. The traditional American toy store, Toys R Us, announced its state of bankruptcy just last month due to a significant decline in sales. More and more consumers are turning to online giants such as Amazon to purchase daily items as a result of convenience. According to the Washington Post, Toys R Us is just one of more than 300 retailers to file for bankruptcy this year, as Americans ditch the shopping mall in favor of their laptops, smartphones, and tablets (Bhattarai, 2017). Shopping which used to require walking or a vehicle trip to stores is no longer required for consumers with online shopping. Online shopping has appealed to consumers worldwide by encompassing the business aspect of service convenience which constitute saving time and/or effort (Jiang, Yang, and Jun, 2012). For consumers whom have busy lives and those whom are physically disabled, online shopping is a positive
Internet Research. 2005, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p335-352. 18p that consists of seven focus groups from different parts of the country tried finding about the perception of consumers on the concept of online grocery. The research indicated some positive and some negative beliefs, which were remarkably congruent across groups. In the minds of consumers, while the concept has advantages of convenience, price and product range. Disadvantages, such as the loss of the recreational aspect of grocery shopping could act as mental barriers where one bad experience can result in permanent disapproval of the