
Case Report – Individual “Estore at Shell Canada Limited” Essay examples

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Executive Summary In 2002, Shell Canada launched its online store called eStore for its customers. The objective was to keep costs low by having a self-service technology so that agricultural customers can buy their products without the need for a sales-representative. The statistics from eStore showed even though the number of customers who signed up for eStore was close to the target, number of customers who actually used eStore remained low. The problem seemed to be mainly due to customers having difficulty with the service. According to customer’s feedbacks, many encountered various technical problems when they tried to place orders. Others just preferred traditional methods of buying what they needed, while the remaining group were …show more content…

Source: (“Canada Oil & Gas Report”, 2011)

Year Revenue (in million US $) Net Profit (in million US $)
2010 368,056 20,474
2009 278,188 12,718
2008 458,361 26,277
2007 355,782 31,331
2006 318,845 25,422
Table 3 – Financial Statistics. Source: (“Canada Oil & Gas Report”, 2011)


Total shareholder return (%) 17.1 17.0
Net cash from operating activities ($ billion) 37 27
Project delivery (%) 79 75
Production available for sale (thousand boe/d) 3,215 3,314
Sales of liquefied natural gas (million tonnes) 18.8 16.8
Refinery and chemical plant availability (%) 91.2 92.4
Total recordable case frequency (injuries per million working hours) 1.2 1.2 ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
Earnings on a current cost of supplies basis attributable to Royal Dutch Shell plc shareholders ($ million) 28,625 18, 643
Earnings per share on a current cost of supplies basis ($) 4.61 3.04
Net capital investment ($ million) 23,503 23,680
Return on average capital employed (%) 15.9 11.5
Gearing at December 31 (%) 13.1 17.1

Table 4 – Performance Indicators. Source: (Shell Annual Report 2011, n.d.)

Earnings (in billions) Revenues (in billions)

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