
Essay on Case Study –Jack Carlisle, Cio

Decent Essays

Case Study 1 – Jack Carlisle, CIO

Godwin Unuigbokhai

MGT 5154 – Advanced Management of Information Systems

Florida Institute of Technology

Case Study –Jack Carlisle, CIO

Executive Summary

Jack Carlisle was hired to restructure and organize IZL IT department in a growing financial services organization that is engulfed with internal turmoil which saw a sudden replacement of the company's CEO Chuck Hansen. Jack Carlisle as a straight shooter must assess the changes, both tactical and strategic, in an environment in which IT was not well managed to align with business operations and gets criticized by peer executives from the standpoint of both a professional and career.

IZL Corporation is plagued by many …show more content…

The leadership within IZL Corporation has become complacent and not ready to tackle challenges inherent in managing large public companies as well as dealing with developed financial institutions and regulators. This is evident when Jack Carlisle asked the question “How do you know how things are going?” and the response was “If I don’t get a call, everything must be fine.” (Austin, 2007). The company lacked a reporting mechanism that will otherwise provide important information about the affairs and health of the business and IT infrastructure.

Business process remained manual as reporting was done in spreadsheet rather than utilizing application designed and developed to produce efficiency and alignment with business strategy. There seem to be no care for data protection as there were no policies, procedures and regulatory system to guide workflow and ensure compliance. The handling of physical infrastructure did not matter to either executive managers of the IT staffs especially when you come to think of the investment and cost associated with maintaining an IT shop.

Supporting Argument

It is evident that IZL Corporation lost its competitive advantage due to unclear business strategy and as a result its market share dwindled and CEO Chuck Hansen ousted. For IZL Corporation to return to its old glory days, must

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