
Case Study Of Mi Dolce Truffletillas

Decent Essays

PRODUCTION AND OPERATION (GOALS–OBJECTIVE-STRATEGIES): Since Mi Dolce Truffletillas is just s start up business, maintaining in the business is a crucial to survive. Increasing revenue with lesser cost is one of the priorities to make in order to stay in the business. Finding the right supplier that will give quality but cheap price ingredients will help lessen the cost on truffletillas. The production of truffletillas should be in big volume in to meet the cost and to have more revenue. We will create a highly engaging and interactive Facebook pages for the customer and have free Wi Fi connection to the store. By linking them it will be much easier to interchange between our personal and business accounts and allow each member of the staff to contribute the ‘organization voice’. This will also allow us to ‘invite’ all of our personal Facebook friends to like the Mi Dolce Truffletillas page and get a strong number of followers. We will consistently …show more content…

From the simple act of regularly washing on hands to preparing of Truffletillas of employees can greatly impact on the business. That is why the management should be strictly imposed the hygiene and sanitation on the workplace.
Hygiene includes the cleanliness of the work area, and the best ways to achieve this is through use effective cleaning methods and the appropriate cleaning materials. Always see to it that the machinery you use is clean and has undergone disinfection. Same goes with the proofing cabinets as proofing conditions are actually suitable for the growth and development of bacteria and other microorganisms. It is also need to make sure that the type of disinfectant it is uses does actually. A lot of times contamination of food occurs during mixing, cooling and wrapping, so make it a point to do process and pest control, inspecting all the mice and cockroaches of the

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