
Case Study Of The City Of Billing

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Company The City of Billings is a municipal government that employs 1,000 employees citywide. They provide many different services to customers within the city limits. Many programs are budgeted and then approved through the Billings City Council. The City involves many different divisions, departments, and buildings throughout the city of Billings. This report will focus on the Solid Waste Division of the Public Works Department. They provide residential and commercial solid waste collection and manage the city regional landfill with 60 employees. Many positions within the Solid Waste are positions that are attached to a union. The Teamsters Union Local 190 has 350 city employees under a current contract. The person interviewed in …show more content…

Many college students apply for these summer seasonal positions as well as many people looking for a permanent position. This gives the employer and the employee the opportunity to see if the job is a good fit for them. It also gives the seasonal worker the added bonus of being able to apply for internal job postings during the time they are employed, before it goes outside to external applicants. External postings can be located in a number of ways, one is on the city website and another is advertising placed in the local newspaper. The different types of recruiting methods mentioned above generates many candidates. Tony feels that quality candidates are hard to find in recent years. In the past a job posting would usually have 5 qualified candidates to interview based on experience, lately there is about 20 candidates interviewed to find the most qualified person for the opening. Selection Devices After a job has been posted internally and/or externally for the required number of days the Human Resources Division does the first selection device, which is making sure that all required documents is attached to the application. Documentation usually includes a cover letter and a resume and could include other documentation such as a current commercial driver’s license (CDL). A CDL is required for most permanent positions within the Solid Waste, with the seasonal employees given the opportunity to get a pay increase if they have

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