
Case Study On Brannfjell Skole Essay

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Case study about Brannfjell Skole
This case study describes the social and behaviour challenges amongst the students in a Lower Secondary School in Oslo, and argues for why the school should implement one evidence-based social and behavioural program to improve the outcome for both students and teachers. Firstly, the case study presents basic background information about the school. Secondly follows a description of what the school does to teach social skills and appropriate behaviour, in addition to what kind of needs the school is not covering adequately. Finally, this case study draws on the research of effective social skills interventions internationally and a review of existing interventions in Norway, to propose what program is the most suitable for the chosen school.

About Brannfjell skole
Brannfjell skole is a lower secondary school situated in one of the few high socio-economic suburbs in the eastern part of Oslo. Currently, about 570 students are enrolled in the school. The school has a low percentage of immigrants, or children of immigrants, meaning the majority of the students are native Norwegian speakers, familiar with the Norwegian school system. At the moment approximately 40 students have Individual Education Plans (IEP) due to learning difficulties. Two of these students are also diagnosed with ASD, and one with Fragile X syndrome. Altogether there are roughly 10-15 students with ADHD, some of them with IEP. 10 students have other diagnosis such as

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