
Case Study On Early Childhood Development

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According to Merriam-Webster dictionary (1828), “observation is an act of recognizing and noting a fact or occurrence.” Observation in Early Childhood is important so teachers are able to meet developmental needs of young children through evaluation and assessment. The purpose of this case study is to observe the characteristics and behaviors of a child’s stages of development in an early childhood class; the child’s dominant stages of play would also be highlighted based on Parten’s stages of play. Activities and strategies would also be recommended to improve areas in which the child can be assisted. These areas would be the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. Demographics
Energetic and jovial are only two (2) interesting …show more content…

The gross motor development refers to physical skills using large body movements and the fine motor skills are those using fingers and hands. For Tyler’s physical developmental characteristics, it was noted at the beginning of observation that he showed good results in meeting the required milestones at age 5 in regards to physical development. The term milestone in Early Childhood Education indicates that a developmental stage has been achieved for a child. Also it must be noted that the milestones set are average requirements that children should be able to meet physically and that some children develop slowly or some move faster than the …show more content…

The first behavior that would be discussed is that of the cognitive domain. This cognitive area consists of brain development of the child, whether the child has healthy experiences appropriate for learning. Tyler is being exposed to a stimulating environment in the classroom that exposes him to discover and play. He has exhibited learning, thinking and problem solving skills according to Piaget’s preoperational stage of development in cognitive development of young children. In this preoperational stage that ranges between children two (2) to six (6) years old, Tyler has acquired language, he is able to listen, speak and respond. He exhibits symbolical play where he is able to pretend real objects are imaginary items. Based on the results in the checklist, (see in appendices) Tyler was able on numerous occasions during math classes to identify objects by their shapes, color and size. He is able to count, touch and name body parts and can recall the events of the day and ask questions for clarification and

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