
Case Study Steakside Restaurant

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Having an increase in demand indicates that there is an opportunity to offer wide variety of dishes and combo meals. There is also threat to shortage considering that the demand increases. Thus, Steakside regularly monitors their inventory by computing their lead time, reorder point and the safety stock. In this case, they were able to sustain the need of the consumers and refrain from having shortage. Steakside restaurant have suppliers for rice, steak and meat, raw food, vegetables, drinks (such as soda, beer and juices). However, they buy some of the additional ingredients in the supermarket or wet market.
Target Customers
Potential Customers

15-50 years old
Male and Female
Employees from government center
Etc. …show more content…

Eating Behavior
Customers chat with their friends while eating the meal

The target customers of Steakside are the masses which fall under the average class. This segment includes the students from the university nearby, employees from a government center and group of people such as families or friends in subdivisions. The target customers also include, people who likes eating steak or other grilled foods at an affordable prices, and group of people who looks for a place to eat or drink late at night.
• Competitors
There are a lot of steak restaurants in the country but Steakside’s main competitors based on the locations are Prima Bistro and Café, Cookbook Kitchen, and Café Noelle. The said competitors have different target markets which differ to Steakside’s target market. Prima Bistro and Café, Cookbook Kitchen are considered medium to high end restaurants with an elegant and relaxing vibe while Steakside focuses on catering to to average class. The said competitors also offer steak in their meals but they have additional menus such as salad pa, soup, milkshakes, and cakes

• Location
Restaurant along Mcarthur

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