
Case Study: Sugarfine Cafe

Satisfactory Essays

SugarFine Café’s Revenue has been shown throughout the course of 12 months as well as the expenses to show how much the company is bringing in and how much there cost are. This is a way to determine the growth of the company. SugarFine Café’s Loan has been factored into the expenses to insure that it is paid back in a timely manner. As we can see on the Total Product Net Income chart the tax effects the amount the business makes the month that it exceeds $23500. We can also see a year worth of Net Income on this chart. With everything shown together from the charts and the Proforma it is clear to see that SugarFine Cafe’s is a profitable business and throughout each month that it is open it is shown to grow by 2.25% each month. As far as

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