On October 8, 2017 at approximately 11:42pm, I, Officer Kyeishia Evans, with the Ville Platte Police Department, was dispatched to 210 Pecan Street, Ville Platte, Louisiana, in reference to a break in. Upon arrival I spoke with Kermit Miller, who stated he recently returned home from and noticed someone broke into his residence. Miller stated he left his residence as approximately 1:00pm, on Friday, October 6, 2017, and went fishing. He stated his wife was in Lafayette for the weekend babysitting. Miller showed me a glass panel on his patio door which was broken. Miller stated he has an alarm on his residence; however, he stated he did not have it on. On call detective, Charles Hall, with the Ville Platte Police Department, arrived on scene
On October 26, 2017 at approximately 2:54pm, I, Officer Kyeishia Evans, with the Ville Platte Police Department, was dispatched to the Slap Ya Momma parking lot, in reference to juveniles fighting on Bus # VP14. Upon arrival I was advised by Chief Neal Lartigue, with the Ville Platte Police Department, that there were two black juvenile males fighting on his bus and that he had paramedics with Acadian Ambulance enroute to our location to give juvenile # 2 medical attention. I advised juvenile #1 to step off the bus; which he complied. I conducted a pat search on the juvenile for weapons, placed handcuffs on his wrists, and put him in the back seat of my marked Ville Platte Police Department vehicle. Paramedics with Acadian Ambulance arrived
Upon our arrival, Officer Ramirez and I witnessed the front door to the residence had been forcibly opened and was left wide open. The door frame was broken off and the deadbolt lock was still engaged. Officer Ramirez and I cleared the residence and did not locate anyone still inside.The cabinets to the entertainment center as well as kitchen cabinets were left open and items appeared to have been taken. I located a black and yellow Crowbar a pool table. The master bedroom appeared to have been
On August 4, 2017 at approximately 2:40pm, Officer Lucas Griffin and I, Officer Kyeishia Evans, with the Ville Platte Police Department, was dispatched to 902 West Lincoln Street, Ville Platte, Louisiana, in reference to a business alarm. Upon arrival I witnessed a maroon 1999 Chevrolet Tahoe bearing license plate number ZTC679. I checked the vehicle and it was locked; however, I noticed the car was warm, as if the car had just been parked in the parking lot. I also noticed the back door of the business was opened. Officer Griffin and I checked the inside of the room; however, there was no door in the back room where you could enter the business. While checking the inside of the room we noticed damage to the tiles on the ceiling. I advised
On November 14, 2017, California Highway Patrol (CHP) Sergeant Jesee Lopez contacted the Merced Multi-Area Gang Narcotic Enforcement Team (MAGNET) and requested assistance with a narcotics/ U.S currency investigation.
I responded to 410 South Brundidge Street in reference to a suspicious circumstance call. Upon arrival, I spoke with Michael Peacock. Peacock advised that he heard a loud "boom" and someone going through the residence. Peacock stated that he just thought it was one of his roommates. Peacock stated that someone started kicking his room door and he grabbed his knife and ran to the bathroom. While in the bathroom, Peacock called 9-1-1 and locked the door. Peacock couldn’t advise on anything missing at this time. There was a busted out window in the back of the unit. Photos were taken on my body cam.
On Thursday, August 31, 2017 at approximately 2232 hours, I was dispatched to a residence across the street from 2220 University St in reference of a suspicious person inside of a black truck. Upon arrival I spoke to the complainant Ms. Delisa Smothers. Ms. Smothers stated that at approximately 2230 hours, an unknown black male went inside her neighbor's truck located across the street at 2221 University street.
On Monday, May 23, 2016, at approximately 12:45 a.m., I, Trooper Bradley Brachear, received a telephone call from Sergeant Robert Ventura. Sgt. Ventura advised Trooper Bradley Otten of Illinois State Police District 13 requested my assistance with a two-vehicle crash on Illinois Route 4 approximately 0.23 miles south of Norton Lane in Tilden Township, Randolph County. I responded from the Lebanon area to assist. The crash resulted in one fatality.
the eyes of a Sayreville Police Officer, Sayreville is separated into four sections. Although these
Before Ms. Antoinette Frank joined the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) she had a rough childhood. Ms. Frank came from a dysfunction family; her brother was a fugitive and her father was in and out of her life. Ms. Frank childhood dream was to become a police officer. In the year of 1993 Ms. Frank applied for the New Orleans Police Department during the hiring process, she had several major red flags during her process. Ms. Frank was caught lying on several times on her application and had failed two standard psychiatric evaluations. The psychiatrist at that time advised the New Orleans Police Department not to hire Ms. Frank. During the time the New Orleans Police Department was short-handed and needed Peace Officers (Police Officers)
On Friday, January 20, 2017, I, Officer McDaniel #147, of Mansfield ISD Police Department, located at 1522 N Walnut Creek Dr, Mansfield, TX, was on a campus check a James Coble Middle School, located at 1200 Ballweg Rd, Arlington, TX, when School Counselor Smith, Murrielisa, B/F, DOB unk, stated that she has a student in her office having suicidal and homicidal thoughts.
Lawrence (Trey) McIntosh III has applied for a position with the Austin Police Department. Trey is currently employed as an intern for Nacogdoches Fire & Rescue and is a student at Stephen F. Austin State University. Trey has worked with us since June of 2015 and has been a positive addition to our staff.
On the above date and time I was dispatched to 205 W. Columbus St. for a non-active burglary. I arrived on scene and spoke with Ray NESTOR who stated when he returned home from work he noticed items were moved around and out of place in his house. First thing NESTOR noticed was his kitchen towel was moved to a different place. NESTOR stated he then noticed a washed plate was knocked over. NESTOR stated he looked at the window and the screen portion appeared that it was bent and someone had tried to bend it back in place. NESTOR stated he noticed one of the window hinges was broke.
On Thursday, January 5, 2017, I, Officer McDaniel #147, of Mansfield ISD Police Department, located at 1522 N Walnut Creek Dr, Mansfield, TX, was contacted by dispatch for a public service call, to a parent, in reference to an incident that occurred on November 28, 2016, at James Coble Middle School, located at 1200 Ballweg, Arlington, TX.
On Friday, December 2, 2016, I, Officer McDaniel #147, of Mansfield ISD Police Department, located at 1522 N Walnut Creek Dr, Mansfield, TX, was on a campus check at Della Icenhower Intermediate, located at 8100 Webb Ferrell Rd, Arlington, TX. While on a Campus Check, I made contact with Assistant Principal Brooks, Amber, B/F, DOB 8/26/1985.
On Friday, August 12, 2016 at approximately 1000 hours, I assisted the patrol division in locating a burglary suspect that entered the residence of 1023 Barn Oak Court. The complainant/victim Nicole Smith stated to the Conyers Commutation that when she entered the front door of the residence, she heard an unidentified noise in the back bedroom. As she entered the rear bedroom the subject exited the residence through the rear window.