
Case Study: Ville Platte Police Department

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On October 8, 2017 at approximately 11:42pm, I, Officer Kyeishia Evans, with the Ville Platte Police Department, was dispatched to 210 Pecan Street, Ville Platte, Louisiana, in reference to a break in. Upon arrival I spoke with Kermit Miller, who stated he recently returned home from and noticed someone broke into his residence. Miller stated he left his residence as approximately 1:00pm, on Friday, October 6, 2017, and went fishing. He stated his wife was in Lafayette for the weekend babysitting. Miller showed me a glass panel on his patio door which was broken. Miller stated he has an alarm on his residence; however, he stated he did not have it on. On call detective, Charles Hall, with the Ville Platte Police Department, arrived on scene

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