
Case: valley wide utilities company

Satisfactory Essays

Case: valley wide utilities company Problems A. Macro 1. The company faced with financial inefficiencies resulting from an expansion of its facilities. 2. President Delgado appointed John Givens and Hilda Hirsh to provide a broad outline of MBO performance standards, identify key standards controlling performance, and more specifically, isolate goals not easily attained. B. Micro 1. During the past year, performance evaluation problems are surfacing, dissatisfaction is emerging, managers are stating MBO standards are too tight and unfair, and workers are threatening to leave. I. Causes 1. John and Hilda may not have the knowledge or skills to evaluate and change performance levels of individuals or teams. 2. Hirsh was only …show more content…

6. President Delgado appointed John Givens and Hilda Hirsh to provide a broad outline of MBO performance standards, identify key standards controlling performance, and more specifically, isolate goals not easily attained. F. Micro 1. During the past year, performance evaluation problems are surfacing, dissatisfaction is emerging, managers are stating MBO standards are too tight and unfair, and workers are threatening to leave. IX.

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