
Cather Case Study

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Theoretical Case Study of Heather
For the purpose of illustration and analysis, a theoretical client will be reviewed. Heather is a 28 year old single professional causation woman, she looks a little old for her age, slumped shoulders, her attitude is somewhat flat, she displays a friendly smile that comes and goes with a soft pleasant voice. She lives a few miles from her family and childhood home. She is a successful IT Engineer; she is a mid level manager and has successfully advanced through the company, starting as an intern. She gets along with her coworkers and she is well liked at work. When listening to Heather talk about her work, she beams with excitement. Her main concern is her lack of social life and romantic partner. She feels like time is running out for marriage and it dominates all her thoughts. Deeper conversations with Heather reveals that she comes from a religious Christian family, her parents have always …show more content…

She is a white woman with a heterosexual orientation. She has strong traditional Christian beliefs and is very involved in the Christian community and lifestyle. She is a computer engineer and has a Bachelors of Science degree in Information Technology from a local state university. She has never served in the military service. She comes from a traditional family, her mother stayed home with her and her younger brother, whom is 4 years younger. Her mother occasionally had part time jobs or worked as a volunteer at their church from time to time during her upbringing. Her father had a union job as a longshoreman, but is now retired. Her parents did not believe in alcohol in the home and she only saw them drink occasionally at weddings or anniversary parties but never to excess. Her father often experience anxiety from the stress of work, he would go hunting and that often would alleviate these feelings. He was also a regular smoker, which he also utilized for stress

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