Did you know that nearly 1.2 million dogs and puppies are executed and killed every year in shelters across the nation? When the doctor walked into the office, he knew he had several things to do, the worst was that there were still several dogs still in the shelter that afternoon. When it was time the doctor told the nurses to bring them in, at that moment several dogs were brought in that were too old to be adopted or have just been there too long to keep. One by one the doctor injected them each with the euthanasia that would kill them. Dogs should not be euthanized in shelters or for being too aggressive because they are good service animals, they can be fixed to stop overpopulation, and they are great emotional and medical companions. One of the most common reasons dogs are euthanized in shelters is overpopulation. Most people believe that it is better to not have too many dogs or puppies running around. Hundreds of these dogs are killed everyday. It's proven that a fertile female dog can give birth to at least two litters a year with five to nine puppies in a litter. Others believe that the dogs should not be euthanized because the overpopulation problem can be easily fixed. The free or reduced spaying would accommodate for the overproduction rate and dogs and helps people …show more content…
Most people believe that dogs should be executed for being too aggressive. For example, is a dog were to bite someone and the owner knew the dog was aggressive or could be aggressive that dog would be euthanized for its actions. Other people believe that dogs should not be executed for their actions. They believe that the owners should be blamed. Some dogs are service dogs such as police dogs. The canine unit has been used since the 1990’s and has been a great use of the dogs we have. The Department of Environmental Conservation gives information about the k-9 unit and their jobs and how they help the
Puppy mills, irresponsible pet owners, and backyard breeder, not shelters, are to blame for rates of euthanasia in our communities. Irresponsible pet owners choose to not spay their pets because they think it is too expensive, or they may want to breed their pet. Eventually, puppies that were a product of irresponsible owners in the community will end up at the local animal shelter. They will take shelters spots that were occupied by an adult dog now putting them up for death. Communities are killing companion animals, not the shelters they are blaming. Puppy mills are able to produce ridiculous amounts of puppies because the demand from the community is high for purebred puppies. Puppy mills are in the business of breeding for monetary
“The United States Police Canine Association became the largest and oldest active organization of its kind- “Ever striving for the betterment of all police K-9” – in August, 1971 when two existing associations, the Police K-9 Association and the United States K-9 Association, merged” (O’Heare). These two organizations now know that strength is in unity. From these groups merged different types of canine from basic patrol dog to the scent specialty dog and final to the great detector dog. Law Enforcement requires canines that have outstanding performance and physical/psychological health. Also, canines should be balanced in aggression behavior and social play. There is an abundance of good and bad to learn about
This a nationwide issue we all need to look into especially our local and state level government need to pay attention to what is going on with domestic animals. It is necessary for all pet owner’s to be responsible by spaying or neutering their pets. There should be more attention paid to puppy mills and Americans need to be aware of the issues this is causing our nation.
A common solution to this issue would be the spaying and neutering of shelter animals so as to not promote any offspring. The current problem of overpopulation of animals in the United States stems from the number of male and female dogs that are intact and can reproduce offspring (Feldmann 959). Through personal observation, the process of neutering a male dog and spaying female dog is extremely quick and
Should shelters have the ability to euthanize one animal in order to have the ability to serve more animals? The ownership of an animal is perhaps the biggest factor in euthanizing an animal. Emotional reasonings, such as determining when will it be an acceptable time for an animal to be euthanized, can be easily answered with logic that identifies the condition and future of an animal. No matter the outcome one should keep in mind the standards of an animal’s welfare in order to make the best decision
There is a dark side to dogs also, every year there are numerous dog attacks. People train their dogs to fight and be vicious. These dogs attack other dogs as well as human beings, grownups and children. There is no place in the K-9 world for these type of
Did you know about 25 million puppies and kittens are born into the United States each year? That’s more than 50,000 born each day in this country alone. Twenty five million pets produce yearly greatly exceeds the amount of willing families to take care of these animals that are born into the world. Even though, these massive amount of litters may in fact be completely healthy there is just not a sufficient enough of homes for this animals to be place in. statically reported by the humane society of the united states in October 2011 6 to 8 million animals who have no place to call their home are put into animal shelters. Unfortunately, due to the excessive surplus of these animals about half which is 3 to 4 million only make it out alive. The other half left to be euthanize by the shelter to make room for the new incoming animals. This turns out to be one animal euthanize every 8 sec. Pet overpopulation has been a serious problem throughout the nation for many years. The on ongoing cycle of bring unwanted litters of pets into the world makes it extremely difficult to reduce the amount of animals being euthanize across the nation each and every day. It’s important for people to understand the need to spay and neuter their family’s pets and all pets in general, all though people don’t understand that need its extremely important to take into account that these thousands of wanted any unneeded animals being born into the world each day will statically end up homeless, place in
Countless lives locked away in cages and forgotten about have overwhelmed our society, it has left blood stains on our history as a species and if history has taught us anything, it’s that we have a choice to change our ways of adjusting to situations. A war which was fought in pursuit of ending such criminal means, yet we as human beings do little to nothing to end the horrific crimes of animal deaths in shelters. It is no secret that this world has become infused with problems that have extended from one side of the globe to the other. Amongst these problems lies a terrible truth: nearly every year, sums of almost eight million cats and dogs have been placed in shelters around the world. Out of these vast numbers, half will be
Animal shelters provide protection and care to animals in need, but sadly have to kill animals from time to time. Ending an animal’s life with minimal pain is called animal euthanasia. No animal shelters practice euthanasia by choice, but most consider it a necessary system. Some reasons for euthanasia are lack of resources and funding in shelters, but the biggest contributor to why euthanasia exists is overcrowding. This problem can be traced to owners allowing their pets to have multiple litters of kittens or puppies without taking the responsibility to properly give them a home. This carelessness creates a huge domestic overpopulation problem. The consequences of overpopulation results in large numbers of animals being sent to humane societies. Animals are then euthanized to avoid overcrowding. Euthanasia is unethical and cruel; it should be banned from shelters.
Police dogs are known as local and national heros, but are they actually harming our society? Recently videos have been released of K9 dogs attacking humans, unable to be stopped by their handlers. Many people overlook these cases but some of the videos are hard to ignore. Many dog bite cases have been ignored by judges as well. Researchers are calling this the “Rin Tin Tin Effect.” This is when in court, police dog bites are overlooked due to their ‘Hero’ status and influence of their handlers. Drug search dogs and other service dogs also should be addressed in this category. Because attacking dogs have been misbehaving and it is becoming more apparent to the public, dogs in the police force should be limited to search and rescue missions.
Each year, 2.7 million adoptable dogs and cats are euthanized in America. Too many people are breeding their pets for a quick buck, but not realizing the effect that their actions play in the animal world. As breeders and puppy mills are mass producing purebred puppies/kittens for thousands of dollars, there sits an abandoned dog/cat in a shelter who costs much less. This drastic number of euthanized animals could be reduced if Americans spay/neuter their pets and consider rescue shelters over a high-end breeder.
The myth of pet overpopulation is a huge campaign that’s considered truth nationwide. The National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA) explains this myth and why it’s used. Activists use the myth to put all blame of animal shelter death on breeders. Radical groups perpetuate this myth by making breeding restrictions. This myth is the biggest cause of euthanizing healthy, adoptable animals. Per year, about 3.1 million dogs are adopted while 2.1 million are euthanized. However, this number for euthanized dogs is not broken down by reasoning for euthanization. Overpopulation propagandists often claims this number reaches over 6 million each year. While shelters heavily euthanize adoptable dogs and breeders increasingly use puppy mills, each area across
The euthanasia of animals is a very problematic social issue in the world today. Approximately there are about 7.6 million companion animals that enter animal shelters each year. Of those, about 2.7 animals are euthanized, and cats have the highest rate, according to “The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals” (2017). When you hear the term euthanasia in reference to animals, you think of a painless process that ends the countless suffering your pet had to endure over the span of their lives. There are many reasons for which these animals are “put to sleep.” When most pet owners put their pets to sleep it is because their pets have incurable disease, painful illness, behavioral problems and are of old age. When an animal is suffering and is no longer able to recover, this process may be the most humane thing to do. However, euthanasia turns into murder when perfectly healthy animals are killed. Since there is an overpopulation of animals there are many animals left on the street wandering alone. When there isn’t any room for all these new animals being brought in from off the streets, shelters have no other option, but to euthanize. Each year more and more dogs and cats are born and sent into shelters, but for every animal being born another one has to leave and once the animal leave they are most likely going to be euthanized. No matter the situation animals are losing their lives for no clear reason.
To spay your animal means that you will take your female dog to the vet and they will have a surgery done that will cause them to be unable to reproduce any puppies. Then to get your pet neuter means you will take your male dog to the vet so they will no longer be able to get a female dog pregnant. When you get these operations done to your animals it will help the community out in a tremendous way. Not only will the community have less homeless pets walking around but since there will be less animals walking around the animal shelters will be able to have more money for the other animals that are already there. Both of these operations will cost you money however they will be better in the long run because you can safely say “my pet can not reproduce.” Studies show that about 7.6 million animals enter the animal shelters each year because people failed to get their pets fixed. Then if the animals shelters are not under a “no-kill” policy there will be about 2.7 million animals that will be euthanized, each euthanization will cost the animal shelters money. If cats are not fixed there is a great possibility that they can have up to one or two litters a year. In each litter of kittens there can be four or even six kittens in each litter. Most of these kittens will end up in the shelters if now one gets them and then the shelter will have to have even more
In my opinion, this is a terrible issue. These animals are dying because of this with no fault of their own. If the overpopulation in shelters continues we will not have a place to put all of these animals except for in the ground. A shelter is supposed to be used as a safe place for lost, homeless pets, but it is being abused and turned into a trashcan due to the overpopulation. Some may argue that there are “no kill” shelters, and although that is true to some extent, it is not entirely true. The sad truth is that “in most cases even when a shelter calls themselves a ‘no-kill’ shelter it simply means they give the dogs they don't want to a shelter that IS a kill shelter” (Maguire). Overpopulation is costing animals their lives. Do you know what else overpopulation is costing? Us. It costs the United States taxpayers $2 billion a year “to impound, shelter, euthanize, and dispose of homeless animals” (“Animal Overpopulation”). These statistics are hard to take in, but they are very real and this is why I think something needs to change.