Books and why some are challenged or banned by Alyssa Wright – Library Technician
It is clear that some material is sensitive but there are numerous reasons why material are put into question. Some of these reasons vary in different countries while it leaves the material available in others. Although, by doing this we interfere with education, and creativity.
A number of reasons as to why books are banned include:
• Racial themes
• Alternative Lifestyles
• Profanity
• Adult-themed content
• Violence
• Negativity
• Witchcraft
• Different Religious views
• Unpopular Political views
• Unsuited material for a certain age group.
However, because of the reasons listed above. I do not think it is right to take an item off the
Isn't banning books disobeying the freedom of speech, and infringing on the freedom of the press? First Amendment, states that "citizens must be free to seek out any media, regardless of content, that they deem appropriate for entertainment, information, or education. With said, banning books stunts the extension of education. In addition, Books containing “Racial Issues, Blasphemous Dialogue, and Sexual Situations” parents' supervision is indicated. So, if read by children; banning books will not be an antidote for bad parenting. But, Most opponents of book banning understand parental preferences regarding their own child’s reading material, but they refuse to grant them the right to make a decision on behalf of all parents about what is or isn’t appropriate. The disadvantages, books can teach you a negative habits and that’s why some books should be banned. Literature will fully-develop children for the real-world.
For years now, censoring has been limiting the public’s freedom in literature, films, media, and plenty of other categories. A big section being censored today, that troubles a lot of people, is children’s literature. Books are the most common thing to be censored, especially children’s. They continue to ban books across the world, meant to be enjoyed, for reasons they call valid. A popular excuse for banning books is the diversity displayed in them. According to “How Banning Books Marginalizes Children”, 52% of the books banned in the last 10 years were called “diverse context”
Books are sometimes banned also because a vocal group finds that particular book offensive and immoral. Parents also attempt to remove books from the school curriculum because they find it too offensive. However, local school books may not be removed from school library shelves simply because they dislike the ideas contained in those books. Each book that is banned or censored is done so for the content within the pages. There are a few common reasons that books have been banned or censored in schools, libraries, and book stores. These include Racial Issues, Encouragement of "Damaging" Lifestyles, Blasphemous Dialog, Sexual Situations or Dialog, Violence or Negativity, Presence of Witchcraft, Religious Affiliations (unpopular religions), Political Bias, and Age Inappropriate.
Public schools are becoming more laid back about what they teach in each subject to make it less uncomfortable for individuals to talk about; for example, sex education is taught in schools more in depth and at an earlier age today than in the past to make it easier for people to talk about sex in a more mature manner. Banning books that contain sexual content, vulgarity, and violence give children and young adults a reason to snicker about these topics when discussed in class because we are taught that these topics are not appropriate to talk about publicly. There are many factors that play a major role in how an individual perceives certain topics in books. If taught at an earlier age that these topics are suitable for mature
Schools are meant to be a safe environment full of books and learning opportunities. If this is impaired by books that should be banned, students may feel displaced or uncomfortable. Even a high schooler is prone to this, if action is not taken. There are hundreds of books full of violence, explicit language, and drug references. Annenberg Classroom says it is “unsuitable for students” ( Students of all ages are strongly suggested to not partake of those things, and reading all about them can cause them to think it is acceptable. It is up to administrators and parents to decide what should be allowed in school libraries. Everybody has different beliefs, but most people would not want their
Book banning is something that was been around for almost as long as books have, but why? Book banning started because certain books made different people or different groups of people feeling challenged, uncomforted, offended, etc. In other words, these books were engaging to the reader, pushed them to their limits, and really made them think about what they were reading. This is exactly what readers should want out of a book. Instead of embracing the books, many decide to get rid of it and do not want to be challenged or forced to step outside of their little, comfortable box they have for themselves. This issue of book banning is something that has gone on long enough and needs to end right now. Books are something that should be cherished and protected, not banned. Books are a very important part of today’s society and should not ever be banned.
Books are a way for people to get away from reality and also learn new information they should not be banned. Books shouldn’t be banned from society; however some do have suggestive content or profanity. These types of books should be supervised and have an age limit. By banning books it can eliminate teachings of life lessons for students. Also, going through life without knowing anything besides rainbows and lollipops can set up students for a rude awakening when they really start to learn about life. Yes you should try to protect your kids as much as possible; however other kid’s parents might not be doing the same. Your children could be getting mislead information from these children that know about the bad things in this world. It’s best that children are just informed from the beginning and given facts on the topics
Books are a part of our society that entertain us through literature by showing us new experiences and characters that we may relate to or easily might despise due to how they are written, these are usually found in teen novels, comic books, manga, and many more. Books have also usually taught us through traditional means by teaching us about history and other things about society and overall morals we learn at a young age. However, some people have actually taken offense to certain books due to the content inside the book being “too offensive to them and have asked that these books be banned while other people want these books to stay. It’s a consistent debate of whether certain books should be banned or not and there are different viewpoints
Banning books is a practice that has been used all throughout history. It affects many people such as authors, religious groups, students, and other citizens. When books are banned, it limits the amount a person can read or learn about a certain topic. Banning books is a key component in the novel, Fahrenheit 451, as well as in society throughout history.
“It’s not just the books under fire now that worry me. It is the books that will never be written, the books that will never be read. And all due to the fear of censorship. As always, young readers will be the real losers” (Blume 1999). Judy Blume can not explain the problem of book censorship any clearer. The children are the real losers because they are the ones that are not able to read the classic works of literature which are the backbone of classroom discussions all across the United States.
The idea to ban certain books from schools and libraries is preposterous due to the manner in which the people trying to enforce these bans try to do so in. Banning books doesn’t help with the already present problem that our youth’s intelligence levels are already declining, and neither does allowing the freedom to all books. Banning certain books due to their constant use of inappropriate language, sexually explicit nature, and all around mature content has a respectfully reasonable reason to be inaccessible to younger audiences such as minors and teens; not young adults. The banning of books in libraries is outright inexcusable, unless the material is directly racist, subjective religious content, and all around hatred for a certain race or ethnicity; not if it’s used for fictional writing, in a softer manner mid you, to express the conflict in a story and/or to show real world problems, same go for non-fictional writing that expresses ideals in a manner of which isn’t disrespectful to other ideals and that do so in a manner of which isn’t so subjectively and deliberately showing hate for a certain race or ethnicity, especially
The subject of censorship is a very controversial one, especially the banning of books. Many people believe they must protect themselves and others from the "evils" of many classic books and works of art because they can be deemed "indecent" in one way or another. Many believe that this is absurd and censorship in its current form is a violation of our First Amendment right to free speech. Personally, I align myself with the latter, however I do feel there are occasions where censorship is justifiable. The censorship of books is a division of censorship that, apart from Internet censorship, receives the most publicity. Banning books is the most popular form of such censorship. Many banned books are literary classics, such as The Catcher in
Entire communities can easily be silenced by just banning one book. Many books store essential information about communities and cultures. The knowledge provided by these books should be acessible to everyone at any time. However, when a book is banned the story and knowledge in a book is lost as people are not allowed to view it. As a result of this, banning books has the potential to destroy communities and cultures.
People are thinking to ban books which I think is really bad. Everywhere and everyday people are saying that some books need to be banned because some use the “n” liberally word in a different meaning and if you erase the book well you are kind of erasing history.
The subject of censorship is a very controversial one, especially the banning of books. Many people believe they must protect themselves and others from the "evils" of many classic books and works of art because they can be deemed "indecent" in one way or another. Many believe that this is absurd and censorship in its current form is a violation of our First Amendment right to free speech. Personally, I align myself with the latter, however I do feel there are occasions where censorship is justifiable.