
Cell Membrane Permeability Lab

Decent Essays

Test results concerning the permeability of cell membranes found that temperature stress effected the function of cell membranes. The test exhibited that cell membrane function is altered at temperature extremes relative to room temperature or 23°C. The test results found that the further the temperature was from room temperature the higher the betacyanin concentration was in the water meaning that the betacyanin escaped the cell membrane indicating a change in its functionality from the control; the control being the test done at room temperature (23°C) and resulting in an average colorimeter reading of 0.0098 units of optical density (see figure 1). All other temperatures resulted in a higher average reading for absorbance of betacyanin, meaning that more betacyanin was released from the cells. The highest level of absorbance was in the sample exposed to -15°C at 0.5115 units of optical density, with the second highest at 70°C reading at 0.2518 units of optical density. The readings at 10°C, 40°C, and 55°C had absorbance levels of 0.0989, 0.0228, and 0.029 units of optical density respectively (see figure 1). This data shows that more extreme temperatures resulted in a higher release of Betacyanin from cells exposed to …show more content…

The study found a correlation between temperature and cell membrane permeability especially in cells exposed to temperatures greater than 40°C (Bischof et al., 1995). These tests were performed on skeletal muscle cells taken from a lab mouse indicating that this phenomenon is not specific to beet cells or plant cells but rather a result of the nature of the phospholipid bilayer structure of the plasma membrane (Bischof et al., 1995). This study serves as a verification that the results found in the experiment is not a result of the specific structure of beet tissue

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