
Celta Assignment- Lesson from the Classroom

Decent Essays

We are almost half way through the CELTA course and it is admirable that all of us have had such a tremendous growth curve. Personally, I know I have become much more confident about standing in front of a classroom full of students and talking about different aspects of English language. I discovered the very first day that it was important to establish a good rapport with the students and be comfortable talking with them. I learned it was also important to engage students in conversation rather than assume the role of a traditional teacher. When Guy commented on September 13, after my first lesson, that I established a good rapport with the students and marked my performance on “building/maintaining a good rapport” above the standard, …show more content…

Another area that I am very self-conscious of is my own oral and written language. I am not an English native speaker and I constantly think that I may use inaccurate language when I am speaking in the class. As Guy has drawn my attention to this point in my stage one progress record on September 22, I need to provide accurate and appropriate models of both oral and written language in the classroom. (270)

I must add that I have gained a lot by observing both

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