
Challenges Of A Chronic Illness

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Challenges of a chronic illness in a child Many people we know may suffer from a chronic illness. One of the advantages in technology is treating chronic illnesses. Mortality rates have steadily declined. Moreover, medical staff focuses on how to improve the survival rates and reinforce the quality of life to the ones that do survive. Type one diabetes is a well-known chronic disease. However, many people might not know how it can affect one’s life. Type one diabetes is a blood glucose disorder. The body does not make enough insulin to regulate glucose levels in the body. The diagnosis for children usually occurs before the age of thirteen (American Academy of Pedicatrics, 2015). Maintaining this disease is a daily chore and remains with the person for their entire life. The diagnosis my stepdaughter, Amanda, received at the age of eight, changed her life forever. The restrictions that she experiences affect her life are daily monitoring, social and financial burdens, and her family’s responsibilities.
Daily Life Type one diabetes is an extremely hard disease to live with, especially being diagnosed as a child. Constant worrying, strict diets, and the maturity of the disease plays an important role. For Amanda, she has to constantly count all carbohydrates with everything she eats (Wimberly, 2016). She is now twenty-two years old and she knows her limit, and has a baseline for nutrition for all food. Her daily monitoring consisted of checking before all

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