
Challenges On CSR Initiatives

Decent Essays

Although some skeptics would doubt the notion of businesses following each other on CSR initiatives, there’s in fact evidence suggesting that there is a ‘competitive’ element amongst responsible practices. Organisations in Australia’s mining industry have consistently been promoting responsible resourcing and stewardship during operations; in 2015, BHP Billiton partnered with Conservation International and CANARI to launch the climate ACTT program, which focused on empowering a selection of civil society organisations with transparent institutional processes and up-to-date technical best practices for climate change adaptation and resilience planning — while making a total economic contribution of 2.67 billion dollars in the next financial …show more content…

Through these examples, it is clear that CSR can be embodied in a multitude of avenues affectively, and, that, constructive use of CSR has the potential to multiply throughout the respective industry that it is practiced in. 

Additionally, by practicing CSR, the internal wellbeing and job satisfaction of organisational members can also increase. Within Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Maslow, 1943), the concept of ‘self-actualization’ (sic) and ‘self-transcendence’ is detailed as a human need to achieve goals outside oneself — an intrinsic desire to paint, create, innovate, and invent; therefore, it would be fair to suggest that figures in organisations who practice CSR have an easier time at fulfilling this step of the model. There’s also evidence revealing a positive correlation between organisational ethics and job satisfaction, indicating lower levels of Counterproductive work behaviours and absenteeism, and higher levels of Organisational citizenship (Viswesvaran, et al. 1998). Seemingly, as the company makes voluntary decisions for the better good, employees do the same. Furthermore, there’s also been findings showing that leaders of organisations can influence collective outcomes by supporting and acting out ethical behaviour (Koh, 2001). Meaning, people at the top of the organisation, can trickle down this ethical standard to create a culture that supports responsible behaviour. As in

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