
Changes in Creativity in Technology and Human Resource Knowledge

Decent Essays

As an entrepreneur and performance management graduate, I always dream of building a strong organization, which can perform effectively and efficiently in such dynamic environment and enable to achieve its strategic goals. To strengthen an organization, it must begin with individual capabilities that help to develop organizational excellent performance. Also, to achieve better performance, an organization must be able to adopt changes in creativity in technology and human resource knowledge. Therefore, studying organization development will enhance my knowledge in improving my organizational performance. It will benefit my organization in term of continuous improvement, increased communication, employee development and increased profits.
Firstly, to survive in a high level of competitive industry such as the cosmetic industry, a start up business must commit to continually improving its product offering and business. The organizational development is a proactive approach that embraces change and creates continuous improvement cycle in strategic planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluating. Also, by aiming to continuously increase business operational quality, this positively affects organizational activities such as cost reduction and increasing in human resource skills. Thus, it will yield a long term success for a start up business. Secondly, organization development will help increased communication. With the limitation of human resource and capital, this

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