
Changing Culture Of Education Nationwide

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Change is necessary for every company or organization to move forward within society. Being able to adapt and to understand what is needed to be marketable among themselves, their customers and their competitors, makes the company well rounded also, well managed. Post University underwent numerous changes over the last 125 years to adapt to the ever changing culture of education nationwide. Through the use of innovative techniques such as visualization and bringing technology into the classroom to expose students to a new element of life.Post took into careful consideration, the growth in their population and began to shift their overall approach to education. However, Post University struggles in many aspects from previous times until now in regards to both the academic and social features which reduces the spark within the universities campus. Within society, there are essential characteristics that are combined to create a well balanced community. Although, Post University has made many drastic transitions by upgrading the atmosphere, it hasn’t reached a level of which it is ahead of the game. Post is playing catch up compared to many universities worldwide, in the sense that there are not a lot of academic majors compared to the other universities within the region. There also aren 't many clubs or local organizations being involved on campus and if they are on campus, there is a lack of communication between faculty and students. The questioned posed to Post

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