
Essay about Chapter 2

Satisfactory Essays

• Second Task: Answer the next questions

1. How is the work of HR practitioners and operating managers similar to that of physicians who conduct a diagnosis before treating a patient?

The problems also be examined throughout a careful diagnosis using The ARDM (A=acquiring, R=rewarding, D=developing, M=maintaining and protecting). This model with a strategic focus can help operating managers focus on a set of relevant factors; you can see the whole picture or parts of it.

2. The productivity of the workplace is essential for the success of an organization. What HRM activities and programs can impact productivity?

Specific activities and practices can improve individual performance and consequently …show more content…

6. Explain why HRM is playing a larger role in an organization’s strategy than it did 10 years ago.

The work sector in which the organization is operating,(public, private or third), determines the complexity, strategic importance and power of HRM as a function and the activities operating managers must implement.

7. HR processes are designed to acquire, reward, develop, and maintain/protect human resources. What are the desirable organizational end results of such processes?

HRM practitioners and specialist will have to communicate this to educator’s parents and community leaders that we need more educated people and higher levels of language, math and reasoning skills that the current ones to currently fill the jobs that the companies need to compete. A shortage of skilled talent can damage any firm’s competitive position. Strategic human resource planning models will have to carefully weigh differences in skills and shortage of skills.

8. Small firms, like large enterprises, must engage in developing clearly stated strategic plans. Why?

HRM must make decisions and solve problems in a way that is both socially responsible and ethically sound, while helping the firm satisfy its customers and its employees.

9. What are the implications for a society with an aging workforce?

The baby boomers (born between 1946-1963) are staying in the workforce

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