ENFJ I am an ENFJ. ENFJ stands for extraversion, intuition, feeling, and judgement. According to this cite, I “have tremendous power to manipulate others” but I also “see the big picture.” Another thing the flattering website pointed out was “ENFJs know and appreciate people. Like most NFs, (and Feelers in general), they are apt to neglect themselves and their own needs for the needs of others.” On a different page, I am told that an ENFJ is a “Natural born leader.” and “The ENFJ is ambitious, but their ambition is not self-serving: rather, they feel personally responsible for making the world a better place.” I agree with these comments. Yes, they flatter me. I am more than happy to say they tell truth. I have been told I have a “manipulative
My personality type is ENTJ. Each letter has its own characteristic within my personality type. The E stands for Extraversion, N for Intuition, T for Thinking, and J for Judging. People with ENTJ personality types are natural born leaders. They like to take charge and direct people whenever they can. They’re self confident and career focused so they naturally fit in with the corporate world. Their strengths include being highly self confident, strategic thinkers, energetic, very efficient, strong willed and having excellent verbal communication skills. Some of an ENTJ’s weaknesses are impatience, poor handling of their own and other people’s emotions, intolerance, and stubbornness. Interestingly I found that Bill Gates,
Hello, I’m Joshua Dudley and the results I got for my Jung Typology Test was on point for the kind of person I am. In the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test my letters were ENFJ. ENFJs are the benevolent 'pedagogues' of humanity. They have tremendous charisma by which many are drawn into their nurturant tutelage and/or grand schemes. Many ENFJs have tremendous power to manipulate others with their phenomenal interpersonal skills and unique salesmanship (butt). All of the letters have different meanings. (E)- Extravert (34%), (N)- iNtuitive (9%), (F)- Feeling (19%), and (J)- Judging (28%) and these for letters ENFJ make up the type of person I am. I also had to find a two letter temperament for my personality. The two Letters I think that fit me is (NF)- “The Idealists” which my primary
ENFPs are agreeable and inventive. They have an excellent capacity to precisely "read" individuals and occasions. ENFPs are interested, needing to realize what else other than the standard approach may work, and they are adaptable, continually eager to take a stab at something new. They are exhausted with general routine and get themselves pulled to new experiences before they've completed their old ones. ENFPs can be enticing speakers, ready to impart a dream more effectively than others can and frequently make dynamic pioneers.
They antipathy for see mistakes reiterated, and have no resilience with inefficiency. They may end up being exceptionally unforgiving when their comprehension is endeavoured in such matters, in light of the fact that they are not really tuned into people's conclusions, and more than likely don't assume that they should tailor their judgments in thought for people's feelings. ENTJs, in the same route as different sorts, experience issues seeing things from outside their own specific perspective. ENTJs regularly have little resistance with people who don't see things the same course as the ENTJ. The ENTJ needs to purposely manage seeing the estimation of other people's appraisals, and what's more the advantage of being sensitive towards people's feelings. Without this care, the ENTJ will be a convincing, unnerving and overbearing individual. This may be a real issue for the ENTJ, who may be precluded from claiming key information and joint exertion from others. In their own existence, it can make some ENTJs harsh as sidekicks or
ENFJs are described as warm, compassionate, and supportive, as well as loyal and trustworthy. These are all words that I would describe myself as, my most important characteristic being my loyalty in friendship. My type description also proclaims that I am “highly attuned to others; their empathy enables [me] to quickly understand emotional needs, motivations, and concerns.” No other description of me could be truer. My whole life, I have been quickly able to understand others, and even know that they are upset before they tell me so. Another handout describes ENFJs as having an intense caring about people.
According to the Jung Typology Test ENFJ’s are has charisma, are able to manipulate people, have great interpersonal skills as well as salesmanship, believe in their dreams and are helpers and enablers. It also said that I was a global learner and see the big picture. What really hit home for me is that they mentioned organization, decisiveness, feelers and neglect my own needs. I consider myself a very charismatic person. In previous jobs people loved to work with me because I always kept a up beat spirit.
ESFJs are people persons - they love people. They are warmly interested in others. They use their Sensing and Judging characteristics to gather specific, detailed information about others, and turn this information into supportive judgments. They want to like people, and have a special skill at bringing out the best in others. They
After finalizing my personal assessment survey, my four-letter code came to be ENFJ. According to the handout, ENFJ is associated with teacher type personality. The teacher tends to be sociable, sympathetic and handle situations with others feeling in mind. They also are great organizers and tuned into the needs of others. A treat that goes hand in hand with the teacher is the idealists. The idealists are described as humane, intuitive and insightful. What I got from reading The Four Personality Temperaments ~ David Keirsey’s work, the idealist wants to live… well the ideal lifestyle. They are proud of their accomplishments and hunger for a deeper meaning in life all while having a self-confidence that allows them to achieve their goal in life. Since idealists strive to have a deeper meaning in life, they want others to find it as well. They aim to teach their loved ones to stick with their morals and stick true to who they are. I’d like to think that I acquire these traits, however I know that I fall short in certain areas. For example, I am not much of a leader; big crowds scare me, and my self-confidence could use some work. Like Hannah Montana said, “Nobody’s perfect.”
feelings play a role in which the priority is to help others. A feeler must listen to the heart to make decisions and think what is the best decision for others, regardless if they agree with it; they accept it no matter what. The judging quality on ESFJ people is planned, organized, and controlled in order to achieve their goals. Having this personality means, they are hard-working people; therefore, they are able to complete any
Although ENTP’s have many strengths such as being knowledgeable. We “love” knowledge and “love” to learn. We’re Quick Thinkers. We have insanely flexible minds. If in a difficult situation, we can usually think of a solution pretty quick. We’re Excellent Brainstormers. We can have good ideas and stuff like that. We’re Charismatic. We can sometimes inspire people to do things. And We’re Energetic. We have a lot of energy to burn. (Race me
Throughout the course of years, I tend to find out more about myself. Every day is challenging and full of many surprises. However, the most challenging thing in my life is working with other personalities. Only to find myself considered an ENFJ with a temperament of NF. Yes, I’m open to others and would put myself last, but I now understand how to truly connect.
My personality score was an ENFP, I thought of myself more as an ESTJ. According to the Jungian 16 – Type Personality test, I am an Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeler, and Perceiver. I am also learned that I do in fact have a Type –A personality
Naviance, based off of my answers to certain questions, also said that I was an ENFJ. These letters stand for extrovert, intuitive, feeler, and judger. I do not completely agree with these results because for one, I am very shy. However, when I am with my close friends or family, I am not very shy at all. I am not sure how I feel about the intuitive part, because I think that there are some parts that are, and are not true. For example, I like to use my imagination, and consider new ideas. However, I do agree with the feeler part of my results because I want to do work that is meaningful, help others, make decisions based on my values, work in a supportive environment, and make efforts to understand others. I also partly agree with the judgers part. I like to do my work before relaxing.
My ENFJ personality described as an extroverted person in life. For instance, I enjoy getting involved in different activities and events which bring out my energetic nature (16personalities, 2016). My preference is being around people and interacting with them on a personal level as much as possible, and I
Through this course, I learned that my personality assessment of ENFJ fit me quite well. It described me as an extrovert with intuition, feeling, and judgment. They are described as people with tremendous charisma who believe in their dreams, and see themselves as