
Chief Warrant Officer Interview Essay

Decent Essays

Forwarded with my strongest recommendation for immediate selection as (741X) Chief Warrant Officer (CWO). Applicant meets all requirements outlined in OPNAVINST 1420.1B, NAVADMIN 144/16, and the physical fitness standards of OPNAVINST 6110.1J. She is world-wide assignable, and is fully qualified in all respect. I have observed Chief McMullen’s leadership, strategic thinking, and the ability to lead and supervise subordinate staff as the N1 Department Head at NCTS FE Headquarters. She provided sound counsel and training to all levels of the chain of command inspiring confidence and complete loyalty throughout the ranks and detachments. A superb professional, experienced …show more content…

At NRD MIAMI, she was ranked #7 of 57 exceptional First Class Petty Officer, #11 of 83 highly talented PO1s across 5 UICs/#5 of 41 Fleet Canvasser Recruiters, #1 of 41 Canvasser Recruiter for her superior performance as a Recruiter in Charge. She implemented an effective training program resulting in eight canvass recruiter qualifications. She led, motivated, and trained 113 Delayed Entry Program Personnel, 90% were eligible for advancement to E2 upon arrival at RTC. At ACU 5 WESTPAC ALFA, as the Administrative Officer, she ranked #26 of 103 across 3 UICs and #2 of 22 First Class Petty Officers. Her direct leadership produced a 96%P/WS for Cycle One 2012, 95% retention rate, and 55 % enrollment in continued education, 22 OODs, 15 Section Leaders, and six security rovers. At NBU SEVEN, YNC McMullen spearheaded the newly Administrative Department as the Department Head. She was ranked #9 of 18 stellar Chief Petty Officers. She led 17 multi-rated Sailors resulting in 97 % PFA pass rate, six Sailors received their college degrees, and 97 % retention. She developed a mock exam resulting in four out of five Sailors advanced off of the Navy Wide Advancement Exam.
YNC McMullen has set milestones for NCTS FE personnel to follow. Her performance has been nothing short of outstanding! Her daily superior performance is characterized by foresight and keen awareness of the big picture. I would enjoy nothing more than changing her collar devices and welcoming her to my Wardroom today! The naval service will benefit immeasurably by commissioning this outstanding Chief Petty Officer and she would be a welcome addition to any Wardroom. When selected for CWO, she will be ready upon arrival to excel in the absolute most challenging

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