
Child Psychology Admissions Essay

Decent Essays

Why do we do what we do? Child Psychology, the study of a child’s mind and the way it works. The general idea of its function is fascinating. The ability to support families and children who need help. Making a difference in families by doing what intrigues me most.
Child psychology requirements are high and expected. Patience is key, especially dealing with children. They’re sensitive and require time and effort to get them the best help they deserve. I contain many of these qualities associated with this career. Growing up, my interests fluctuated constantly. Lawyer, veterinarian, investigator, everything. Finally, sophomore year of high school, I decided what I wanted to pursue. The inspiration of helping others was always in my mind, …show more content…

I had plenty of knowledge on the subject. I watched the movies and the shows, I thought I had a passion for it. Although that dream slowly wisped away when I stuck reality into the picture. I thought to myself, “Aubrey, can you really see yourself doing this?” The answer was no, of course, the odds had won. There were cons rather than pros. My parents had agreed, it was a long shot, not to crush my dreams, but to get me thinking about my future in a realistic manner. I had discussed with peers and they already had their lives figured out. I was anxious and fearful because I hadn’t quite gotten there yet, I was far from the finish line. I was constantly interrogated by family members, teachers, and myself. What did I wish to do with my life, and where did I aspire to go next? Frankly I had no clue. I wasn’t inspired by teaching, or school counseling, not therapy either. Then it hit me! Just like that. A slap in the face. I had morphed all my current dreams into one realistic goal I knew I was capable of reaching. Child psychology. I’m not exactly positive if I had ever actually taken something so serious up until that moment. Throwing me into the world of psychology will be the best thing you can do for me, I aspire to do amazing things with the tools you provide and proceed through the hardship until I succeed with greatness waiting in the

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