
Childhood Cancer Persuasive Speech

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For Cici published a note.
Persuasive speech regarding Childhood Cancer Awareness
Specific Purpose: To convince my audience that childhood cancer is much more common than widely believed, and that action must be taken to increase awareness and funding for research


I. Some of what I share today might upset you - it should.

II. You might get angry; I hope you do. A. Anger spurs action, and we cannot continue to sit idly by while a monster murders our children, shrouded in secrecy. (IMAGE – serial)

III. Childhood cancer kills 7 children every single day in the United States alone, as documented by the American Childhood Cancer Organization. (“Childhood”) A. That is the same mortality rate as if there were two tragedies …show more content…

I know, everyone’s always telling you to contact your representatives about gun control or genetically modified food or gas prices, but to potentially save 2500 children a year, I think we can all agree a phone call, letter or email is worth the time.

X. Next, you can contribute to St. Jude or one of the other nonprofit hospitals conducting groundbreaking research and clinical trials. A. Six years ago when my daughter was diagnosed,chemotherapy wasn’t believed to be effective on her type of cancer, meaning if it ever came back there was nothing we could do. B. Thanks to the work done at St. Jude, we have since learned that chemo DOES work about 50 to 70 percent of the time on her cancer. C. If it weren’t for people just like you who give maybe only $20 a month, I would be watching helplessly as the cancer raged through my baby’s body a second time, rather than being able to do something proactive to combat it.

XI. Finally, to get active for childhood cancer, I suggest you, well, GET ACTIVE!! A. This year will mark the second annual Nashville CureSearch walk for Childhood Cancer Research. B. CureSearch is the program by Children’s Oncology Group which is responsible for conducting clinical trials and research and putting it into practice as new and better treatment protocols for children fighting all types of

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