To begin with,obese children are being risked to mental illnesses and health problems that are critical. Such diseases are stated in the article , “Childhood Obesity Causes & Consequences”, which states, “ High blood pressure, high cholesterol, breathing problems, joint problems, fatty liver disease, psychological stress, low self-esteem and impaired social, physical, and emotional functioning” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) . Children at such a young age should not be worrying about being overweight or having to take medication. In addition ,all over America there is at least one child in a classroom who is not living a healthy lifestyle. If that does not concern anyone then that is an issue. Childhood obesity is a problem for
Despite recent declines in the prevalence among preschool-aged children, obesity among children is still too high. For children and adolescents aged 2-19 years, the prevalence of obesity has remained fairly stable at about 17% and affects about 12.7 million children and adolescents for the past decade (CDC). Childhood obesity does not only affect children, but also has many long term health effects on our children as they get older, including, an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in both childhood and adulthood. (2). Researchers estimate that if obesity trends continue, obesity related medical costs, alone, could rise by $43 to $66 billion each year in the United States by 2030. (1) A major factor in childhood obesity is the inadequate amount of physical activity children are getting, as well as the school lunches that are being provided to the kids. The accessibility of competitive foods which includes things like vending machines, student stores and items a la carte in schools has been linked with negative dietary behaviors, including higher saturated fat intake, higher sweetened beverage intake, and less fruit and vegetable intake,(3) thus resulting in obesity among our children and adolescents. Research suggests that by making sure children are getting healthy school meals and getting enough physical activity in their day it will decrease their chances of having childhood obesity (3). The purpose of this review was to determine the role, school lunches and physical
Childhood obesity is affecting 1 out 3 kids in our society. These children are being classified as being obese or overweight. Obesity has gained recognition as an important worldwide public problem and in the U.S., appears to be overtaking tobacco use as the number one cause of preventable death (Dennison, B. A., Edmunds, L. S., Stratton, H. H., & Pruzek, R. M. (2006). This is the first time we have ever seen our children in this state and the percentage of overweight or obese children is growing at a rapid rate. If something is not done about this issue, this generation will be the first generation to not outlive their parents because of the health issues that arise because a person is overweight or obese. Children are not being entertained outside anymore while getting exercise; the entertainment is inside on the TV, computer, or video-game console (Kid’s Health). Many kids are spending less time outside exercising than previous generations. In today’s world, a quick and easy solution to a problem is the most common answer; this is true for our electronics and our food choices. Families have little to no free moments to prepare nutritious, home cooked meals(Kid’s Health). Our goal has to be finding ways to prevent children from becoming overweight. This is the parent’s responsibility. Parents have to learn to adopt a way to lead a healthy lifestyle of eating healthy and exercising for their
Howlett, Davis and Burton discuss how childhood obesity is a wide-spread problem with life-altering consequences as well as how it is more apparent among low-income consumers. The authors reference the World Health Organization often citing many statistics to help support their topic. They also discuss how the location of stores and prices of food can play a role in childhood obesity. They emphasis the fact that unhealthy foods are much more inexpensive than healthy foods as well as how convenience stores or restaurants such as fast food restaurants are much more plentiful than their counterparts. Due to this, low-income consumers are likely to purchase unhealthy foods rather than healthy foods as it is considerably more cost efficient. Through
Childhood obesity is a greatest public health concern in our nation because it has an immediate and long-term effect on morbidity and mortality later in life. Experts in this epidemic suggest that there is an immediate need for an action and leadership that is required to intervene this disease (Reilly, Methven, McDowell, Hacking, Alexander, Stewart, & Kelnar, 2003). According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data for 2011 and
Childhood obesity is considered to be a serious issue among our youth. Obesity can cause many types of physical problems, which most are aware of, but it can also cause some undesirable internal feelings within children and adolescents who suffer from it. Self-esteem, or self-worth, is important as it helps develop personality and is a major ingredient to our mental health status (Wang, F. and Veugelers, P. J., 2008). Some have said obesity may even have a negative effect on cognitive development, as well. There have been studies performed to research the effects of obesity on children and adolescents, which I am going to review.
Childhood Obesity is becoming More Significant and leading to More Adult Obesity and Health Problems
Over the past decades, many parents did not have to get a child to move around. The children would regularly play all day long without being asked; however, nowadays the young children aren 't playing enough themselves and the children need their peers to tell them to go play outside. The peers would need need to promote the children with resources to keep them moving. As a matter of fact, the lack of exercise is a major problem, and it is increasing each year; especially, the rate of disease that were found in young adults can now be found in young children because of lack of exercise. Therefore, as the director of this facility in for future reference, the research I 'm focusing is base on the children 's improving in physical health to prevent any disease in the future or at least to minimize the situation problem of obesity that is occurring right now in the 21st century. In addition, play is an important product for young children which can also help them have opportunities to enrich in their learning and be active youngsters. It is a new exploration where children can be active during play time, which play can help having bad health problems in the future. It is letting the children to gain weight and determining their health issues to worsen than making it better for them. For instance, the Scientist are now finding out new health problems that isn 't noticeable until adulthood just like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, cancer and
Axmaker, Larry. "Childhood Obesity Should be Taken Seriously." Online Posting 24 November 2004. Accessed 9 April 2005. 1-4.
For my research project, I will be looking into the leading causes in childhood obesity. Obesity can be defined as when an individual is really overweight in which can affect their overall health. It has come to our concern that obesity among children has become a major problem, which needs to be confronted. Childhood obesity is continually expanding instead of decreasing, which is frustrating because it’s a difficult task for children to eat healthier in society with obesity hazards. Childhood obesity is a huge problem, which has negative consequences that leads to major obese in adulthood. It’s important to inform the audiences in what ways they can partake to help combat childhood obesity.
In April 2014, an article was published in The Toronto Star Magazine discussing the recent increase of obesity rates in children and the dangers associated with this rise. The research focused specifically on children who had survived cancer and later developed obesity, causing more complications in their health. This rise of obesity in child cancer survivors has been linked to numerous potential factors causing an increase in the possibility of developing this disease. The potential factors that increase the risk of childhood obesity in cancer survivors include, treatment therapy, lack of physical activity, and restricted diets. Childhood obesity will be viewed based on how prominent the condition has become, and its relations to the potential risk’s that develop in cancer survivors and its significance to nursing. Child cancer survivors have a higher risk of develop obesity due to a number of factors, such as treatment therapy, lack of physical activity, and restricted diets.
Obesity is a condition where someone is significantly overweight for their age and height. On a child, it can lead to life-threatening diseases and health problems in the future. This excessive amount of weight that a child bears can lead to future diseases and mental abuse from peers and even on rare occasion 's parents. Childhood obesity has become a national problem in the United States and continues to grow at a substantial rate. This growing health problem presented with children is affecting them negatively for the future. Is fast food really to blame, or is it the new lazy lifestyle that revolves around technology? With technology growing quickly, children seem to be less likely to play outside and live an active lifestyle than
Childhood Obesity has become one of the leading causes of death in our nation today. Sadly, our society in whole is one of the heaviest. Putting an emphasis on the fact that “obesity rates among children of all ages are dramatically higher then they were a generation ago” (Green). Society has made it, with little to no trouble, that kids can get what they want, when they want it. Children are unaware of the harm and trauma they are putting their bodies through at such a young age. Childhood obesity effects the lifetime of a person, and can potentially make that lifetime shortened. Little do children know, once they put on so much weight, it seems to be nearly impossible to take it off. Childhood obesity can rapidly reduce if we alter influences, education, media, the fast food industry, and most importantly, themselves. Also, “According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2004), over 16 percent of children and adolescents from six to 19 years of age are overweight and/or obese. This number has more than tripled since 1981” (Green). As a society, we need to put a stop to the influences and causes of childhood obesity because it can take over our society and cause serious issues for ourselves, and the world we live in.
As every aspect of society is on the incline, childhood obesity is one of the most important issue. Often times, parents are willing to do anything for their child with the idea that it is “healthy.” When they figure out that not everything is healthy, some even take efforts to sue the company. Parents do not realize the underlying factors that cause this type of obesity. Childhood obesity can be a result of many factors in this upcoming society. Many consider genetics and hormonal development as a proof for childhood obesity. However, that is not always the case. Childhood obesity is mostly seen as a result of the inactivity of children, the intake of food influenced by parents, and the environment they are brought up in.
When speaking of her 8-year old daughter's obesity, a prideful mother replies "Oh it's no big deal, she just still has her baby fat." Unfortunately, chances are that the daughter's obesity is not caused by her baby fat, but can be contributed to a combination of diet, genetics, and a sedentary lifestyle. Studies show that obesity among children 6-17 years of age, has increased by 50% in the last 20 years, with the most dramatic increase seen in children ages 6-11 (Axmaker, 1). This obvious epidemic has raised great concern in the medical community because widespread childhood obesity has increased the prevalence of the once rare juvenile diabetes and pediatric hypertension (Bastin, 45). This concern has prompted intense investigation
In the United States, children around the country are becoming extremely overweight. Statistics shows that 1 out of every 3 children is either overweight or obese. This number is staggering and scary. Being overweight is associated with many health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and many more. More children in our society are becoming plagued with diseases that are associated with weight everyday. Our children are the future! And I know that may sound corny, but it’s true. We need to keep our kids active, healthy and strong, so they can live long and prosperous lives.