More than two million individuals are affected by autism in the United States and it is one of the fastest growing disorders but with very much research being put behind it. Autism can tend to be one of the most confusing and stressful disorders but yet it is still able to be coped with lots of patience. Imagine being put down or not given an opportunity deserved because of something that is out of one’s control, more specifically children with autism spectrum disorder. Parents have a huge role in preparing their kids in order for them to be able to be around others. It is not easy especially with autistic ones but kids with autism can be capable of being at the same pace as others and should be treated the same just as students normally …show more content…
The earlier information starts to be acquired the easier it might be to get a controlled behavior out of the son or daughter. There is a tremendous amount of valuable and credible information out there to be obtained. Once obtaining that information the main objective should be getting an increase in the understanding of the way autism works, the child’s social and behavior presentation, and communication. It is crucial to stick with getting that better understanding instead of spending time on trying to find a cure or focusing on some sort of myth on how to control autistic kids. The key point is to learn in order to be able to see the world the way they see it and their unique way of learning will have an impact on how they connect not only with the parents but with everyone else. Adding on to this would be the amount of definite attention the children receive. They might not always notice it but as part of parent instinct one will always be there. Keeping both eyes wide open for them will help learn a little bit more about them through close observation by focusing on what causes certain behavior and also of course keep them safe and sound.
In addition, It is true some autistic kids may be sort of a handful, however how will it be possible for kids with autism to succeed in just about anything if there is no understanding on behalf of someone without this disorder? Focusing on what a child with autism
Autism can be a very challenging experience for any family. Beginning at the diagnosis process, up until adult life, this mental inception is an experience that will break you emotionally and physically at some point. Completely disregarding the things that these families go through would be an atrocity to human compassion. By obeying the “Golden Rule” that we are taught as children will show us that autistic people have a potentially unprecedented level of intelligence. In order to observe this, one needs to push past the mental barriers that are instilled due to their perception of the world.
This is why it is important that parents become trained in ABA. However, it is important that parents do not think that one approach will solve any child 's autism difficulties. The idea of using a “cookbook recipe” to fix their child is something that must be thrown out the window and techniques that encourage parents to become educated about the broadness of autism should be used. This includes learning how their child functions and ways to help design a ABA for their child rather than basing it off of statistics (Dillenburger et al.,2004).
Do you ever wonder why some autistic children act differently from others? Autism Spectrum Disorder affects three different areas of a child's life; it affects social interactions, communication skills, and their behaviors and interest. Every child is different and has their own way of expressing themselves (Autism Response). Some children may have better social skills than others. Autistic kids do not know how to express themselves so they do so through their different behaviors. Many autistic children are even nonverbal and will make different noises to communicate. It is very easy for a child with Autism to get upset because of their sensory, emotional, and cognitive difficulties. Sensory problems, emotional difficulties, and uneven cognitive abilities are all symptoms of Autism. Some more than others, but these are the most common symptoms of Autism (Autism Spectrum Disorder). For example, many of Autistic children can not express themselves like others who do not have the disorder. In many instances, it is very frustrating for both the child and whomever they are speaking to. If the child doesn't babble, coo, gesture (point, wave, grasp) by 12 months, doesn't speak not one single word by 16 months, and doesn't say any short 2 word phrases on their own by 24 months old they may have autism (Autism Spectrum Disorders Health Center). If a child is not showing any fine motor skills by 12 months, and not
Every single day is a struggle for an autistic child and his or her family. Autism affects all aspects of a child’s life from their ability to show affection to their family to being able to do simple tasks such as communicating and thinking in ways that we take for granted. Autism is defined as a developmental disability in which children experience abnormalities in social functioning, language, often act in puzzling ways, and usually appears before the age of three (Mash &Wolfe, 2010). Although the exact causes of autism are unknown there does seem to be a strong genetic component. Having a child or family member with autism is a constant battle of emotion and frustration. Everyone wants to help the people they love when they have
The first three years of a child’s life is the most important and central time for the brain’s development. Autism is a disorder that can be diagnosed during the infant or toddler stage. Children can be diagnosed with autism by having different impairments such as social interaction, pattern of behavior, eye contact and speech impairment. Having the child being diagnosed with ASD can change a parent’s life view. Parents can learn different things in order to help their child. Parents will be provided by health providers different treatment, different placement in education and knowing about the different risk factor to make a difference for their autistic child now and in the future.
Of course everybody in this world has problems, but children with autism do not have the abilities to communicate their problems. Sometimes, it is even difficult for those children to understand mature concepts because of their difficulty in social situations. In my life, I thought having IBS or spraining my ankle before a dance concert was something terrible to happen. I thought waking up five in the morning and running five miles was absolutely terrible. After spending an afternoon with children with autism, I realized that my life problems aren’t that bad.
Autism has been made to seem like this huge issue, something that needs to be stopped. While there are many issues that come with autism, it is not something that should be getting such negative attention. People with autism seem to be the most extraordinary out of any of us. “They are usually intelligent, gifted, honest, hard workers when interested in a task and excellent problem solvers. People with high-functioning autism are thought to become excellent scientists and engineers or enter other professions where painstaking, methodical analysis is required. Some believe this particular assertion is a stereotype, as some high-functioning autism adults tend to struggle with the traditional work setting and the surrounding societally accepted ways of behaving,” (Synapse, Pg 2). There
No one can mentally prepare themselves for the news of their child being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. It will be difficult to live with autism because it is a complex developmental disability (“What Is Autism?”). This would make it very hard for children to do things that we define as easy. There are countless of things that people with autism have trouble doing. For example, they may have problems making/maintaining eye contact, holding a conversation, have trouble with reasoning, and have difficulty planning something (“What Is Autism?”). This may be why we hold people affected by ASD to a very low standard because we think they cannot do anything we can. Normally something like this would have a cure but autism does not have a cure because no one knows the cause (“What Is Autism?”). This is very unfortunate for people that have to solve every problem they get differently because they have autism.
Therapy or counseling: psychotherapy is an important tool for dealing with the emotional impact of autism, and family counseling is helpful for dealing with marital and communication issues. Support groups: for many parents and family members, autism support groups can be life changing. Talking with other parents of autistic children improves mood, and helps with acceptance and understanding of the disorder. Accepting help: parents and family members should look for help and support from every source possible. Caregivers must remember to take a break and spend time caring for their own needs. It’s important to remember to take care of yourself, this helps make one a better caregiver by reducing
Parenting a child with autistic spectrum disorder is very difficult and this disorder affects the entire family. One example is sleep, children with this disorder don’t sleep soundly they can wake up through the night and wake up unusually early which will increase stress and fatigue in the parent. The parent will have to consistently cater to their child’s needs which can affect their personal relationships with friends and family. The more severe the child’s disorder is the more stressful it is for the parent. To overcome the negative aspects of raising such a child it is important that the parent focuses on the positive aspects, and appreciates the good qualities their child has to offer (Glazzard J. & Overall K. 2012; Gray, 2006). Parental and family involvement is considered an essential element of intervention programs for children with autism (Brentani, H., Silvestra de Paula, C., Bordini, D., Rolim, D., Sato, F., Portolese, J., & McCracken, J.T. 2013).
There is no doubt that raising a child with autism is challenging. There is endless research on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but a very limited amount on the costs and benefits of caring for a person with the disorder. In order to gain a comprehensive perspective on the biggest challenges parents and caregivers of autistic children face, a look into the private lives of these families and close networks is necessary. The only way to give support and provide the much needed services required to help, one must ask them what the most difficult parts about managing autism are. Below examines three of the most common struggles these families face when trying to understand and help their autistic children develop into the capable people they are certainly able of becoming.
Students with autism can become overwhelmed very easily by even minor deviations from the routine. It is important to be sensitive to the way autistic children function so that their potential can be reached.
I am very passionate about working with kids with autism. They have such amazing personalities and I feel like people don’t see past the disability to the unique person they are. For several years I worked at a residential facility for kids on the spectrum. I was a direct care staff that worked one on one with them to work on their goals their treatment plan was focusing on. My passion to help kids with autism comes from my previous experience working with these kids and watching them grow and learn new skills. This transformation that I watched happen and helped be a part of with these kids made me want to help more kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). There are a lot of skills that need to be taught to these children. Socialization, communication, and positive behavior are just a few kids with autism need help improving. I believe that the earlier that you teach a child these skills the more successful they will be. Early intervention has had a positive outcome within many research experiments that professionals have done. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (2004) also requires schools to teach kids with disabilities alongside typically developed kids as much as possible.
Children With Autism Children with autism have the possibility to improve greatly, and some even overcome the effects of autism if appropriate therapies are begun early enough. A multifaceted disorder, autism has long baffled professionals and parents alike. At a point in time, doctors gave parents absolutely no hope for the recovery of their children. But recently, new treatments and therapies have shown that improvement is possible. With early intervention, intensive care, some children have if not fully recovered, improved, and have been integrated into schools, indistinguishable from their peers.
Growing up I helped my mom with twins, one had autism and the other one had autism and cerebral palsy. From a young age I was around children with disabilities and saw them as children who just need extra help and sometimes extra supervision. While I was helping my mom with the twins, I saw how they learned that if they threw fits and disrupted class and they would get to leave. They learned like other children without disabilities that certain behaviors would get them what they wanted.