
China and the World Suffer from the Use of Nonrenewable Resources,

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As the world population, the use of nonrenewable resources, and development of industrial technology continues to grow, the more harmful air pollution gets. Air pollution is caused by all of these factors, and more. While fossil fuel sources continue to diminish, there is an increasing interest in the use of renewable technologies, such as the air, water, and sun. China is one of the many countries in the world suffering from air pollution due to household and industrial use of fossil fuels and a massive population. Air pollution also has many negative impacts on human health and the environment. Although there are many solutions to these problems, it is the matter of the people and government knowing about these problems and solutions and …show more content…

The massive building and production of cement cause dust and other harmful particles to submerge into the urban cities of Albania.
Urban wastes and water pollution are a serious health threat to the urban population. Despite Albania’s rich sources of water, the pollutant discharges are causing lack of freshwater in the cities, only 60% of the population have access to a drinking water supply.
Sanitation has been a problem in the country for a long time. The poor state of sewage collection and systems cause contamination to both drinking water and soil. There is a large amount of sickness associated with the water pollution. The levels of shigellosis and typhoid fever are very high in Albania; and the monthly statistics of food and waterborne diseases show that shigellosis infections linger in the country throughout the year. It is also estimated that each year 500 deaths in the city are caused by air and water pollution. The immense usage of cars and vehicles also propose a large threat to air pollution and the health of the population.
In spite of the air pollution in Albania being caused mostly by outdoor issues, such as cars and industrial plants; there are still problems involving indoor air quality in Albania. Out of the 12 schools monitored by the WHO pilot surveys, the results conclude that the biggest concern is low temperature and poor ventilation especially during the winter.

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