
Choosing A Career And Career Challenges In My Life

Good Essays

Choosing a career is difficult for everyone. There are personality tests and quizzes to help us choose, but nothing compares to the eureka moment that hits you when you least expect it. My eureka moment happened over Christmas of my junior year. I anxiously researched the best universities, compiled admission statistics, and started a list of which colleges I would visit. With little idea of what I wanted to do, I weighed my options. Career Education and Career Literacy did an adequate job supplying me with a variety career paths that matched my interests, but I was unsure which one was for me.
Nevertheless, Christmas break gave me the opportunity to talk to family and family friends and to scour the internet for more in-depth information about my potential career opportunities. Family travels from all over the country to spend Christmas Eve at my grandparents’ home. My family members work in several different career fields. They are police officers, lawyers, doctors, engineers, and teachers, all with hectic schedules, therefore, it is challenging to bring the entire family together. This holiday is the exception because everyone is eager to catch up on each other’s busy lives and eat my grandfather’s homemade stuffing. With our growing family, it is always incredible to hear their stories of work and travel over delicious food. Making their way through the long buffet line, each person took their oversized portion of delicious food and sat in their unofficial

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