
Christian Education Research Paper

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The Christian education that I receive at my school focusses on the values I seek in a good education because this is the foundation of a meaningful life, such as quality academic results, formation of faith, the building up of character, and a safe community. The Atonement’s Catholic education is worth every effort that I make to succeed at school. This valuable and unique experience at the Atonement Academy is designed to be transformational, to make a difference in my life and to prepare me for future challenges in my career. This preparation nurtures a disciplined environment; one that respects everyone, one that seeks to promote kindness and the pursuit of justice and faith in action. Christian Education emphasizes a God-centered life of perseverance and courage, assuring a high quality education delivered at a safe, stable and caring environment under the umbrella of the Catholic faith. …show more content…

This is precisely what I am hoping to continue receiving at the Atonement Academy and I am looking forward to enhancing this experience with your support by providing me with this important and meaningful scholarship award. Christian education helps me to make good choices out of my love for God. Through Christian Education I acknowledge God’s presence in my life and learn about Christ and the Church so that I may grow a deeper relationship with God. As my relationship with God strengthens, I will be able to follow Christ and be like him, by teaching others the truths of the Church and loving my neighbors just like Christ loves us. Knowing about the faith helps us understand what God was like and that we should act like him to influence others positively. This education promotes discipline through knowing true morality that is based on God’s

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