
Christian Worldview In Sigmund Freud's Psychodynamic Theories

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Psychoanalytic Theory was originated by Freud, and he proposed that early childhood experiences directly determine our actions and motives throughout adulthood. Freud also believed that there are three structures to personality, which include the id, ego and superego. This fits into my worldview by reminding me how fragile our minds are. What we experience in the past definitely plays a factor in our futures. Keeping this in mind, it is important to be consistent in our interactions with children, because being anything but encouraging will only cause discouragement (Colossians 3:21).

Behaviorism states that behavior is learned through repetition of actions as response to stimuli or receiving a desired or undesired consequence as a result of an action (Berger, 2014, p. 42). The Christian worldview can be applied by using praise and the use of other positive reinforcements. By using this approach it determines positive or negative outcomes (Proverbs 29:17). Paul states it is important to be an imitator of God (Ephesians 5:1-20). By showing our faith by our works sets an example for our children …show more content…

52). The Christian worldview can be applied in social surroundings with others. When interacting we should show our children how to respect one another. This will also help children have a love for God’s word, and follow God’s way of life.

Cognitive Theory is the focus on how human development changes throughout time according to their experiences. Jean Piaget the pioneer for this theory; believed that we must understand how humans think in order to understand their behavior. Knowing this is important to apply to my worldview, because it will give me a better understanding of those I come in contact with. It is important to nurture and show compassion to those who come from different

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