Client Paper 2
When we are in the human service profession we meet many clients with many needs that have to have our help. These needs can range from abuse, alcohol, drugs, personal, mental and physical dysfunction. You can also come across a large range or family issues that can lead to many harder issues to deal with. When you work with such clients you have to gain their trust to maintain they get the help and services they need to be able to move on with their goals. As human services workers we all work as a team to help all clients to meet their everyday needs, and it’s just not one person’s job to help the client.
When we get client in our agencies we need to put together a care plan of action as to what we are going to do to
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This to me is a good value as being a good human service worker. You need to be a good listener so that you and your clients can have a good reputation. This is also a good need for understanding of the client’s problems, you can learn how the client feels, their strengths and fears, you can build a rapport, this I all just by listening to your client and having the skill of listening to them. Also when you are in this field you need to use what is called the reflecting image which is when a client talks to you, you let the client know that its ok to continue to talk and make them feel more comfortable to talk. This is also a listening skill that makes a worker client relationship work. Then next you want to reassure the client feelings to them that they have told you. You also can make sure this is what they mean and what out of their feelings. Also a big part of the client worker relationship is restating what has already been said and making sure that they know you are knowley doing for them.
Client Paper 5
Toward the end of the section you want to summarize their needs with the client. At this point open up the floor for questions and any additional information needed. This would also be a good time to set a goal for the client to practice on the helping needs of counseling.
In conclusion you need to always keep an open mind when it comes to
B. Ballew and Mink (1996) stated the importance of documenting and formulating a client “service plan” is critical p.21. This record would aid in maintaining order and planning of short and long-term activities. Sharing this with members of the management team facilitates collaboration among each discipline encouraging the attainment of set goals.
11. Care plans are what advise you and your colleagues if anybody is in need of any personal care.
Emotional safety is promoted, there are appropriate boundaries, clients have control over their choices, the power is shared, and the client feels capable to meet their personal goals. According to this framework, trauma affects the way people approach helpful relationships. They may be reluctant to engage in or quickly to drop out of human services. This is where developing a trusting relationship and providing a safe environment becomes imperative. The framework also states that trauma usually preys particularly on the more vulnerable. This could mean people that are poor, have been diagnosed with severe mental health problems, are addicted to drugs, or have developmental disabilities. These factors should be kept in mind when working with Sarah. For example, if she does suffer from other mental health disorders, this should be taken into consideration with her treatment
As a human service worker some basic skill that I would assist a client would be helping them to be more self-sufficient through learning new skills. I would also recommend them to different resource that would assist them as they work to overcome setbacks in life. I would work closely with client to evaluate their supportive systems ensuring they are in line with their everyday needs. A good plan of action would be put in place after the client have been evaluated according to his or her disorder for helping with assistance or coordinating certain services that are put in place for a client needs. I would also provide emotional support to foster a good working relationship in order for my client to feel comfortable when discussing their problems
I beleive that if I cannot be open and honest with myself then how can I expect the client to be open and honest with me. Through experience I Understand how daunting it is to express your thoughts and feelings, not knowing how you will be judged or how others may react towards you. Personally by offering my clients a safe place to be listened to, showing them unconditional positive regard by showing them understanding and respect and helping them to gain back their locus of evaluation has had a positive effect on me also. I feel reassured that I am a good person that i am useful and happy in the knowledge that i have given my clients a positive experience that I have helped them through a difficult and sometimes dark confusing time I am being who I truely am as this is what I have wanted to do for some time now.
As a social worker and or a human services worker we must focus on helping the client and the best interest of the client. In certain situations, we all carry to our picked range of work our own particular convictions and qualities. (SWT) Most of the clients that you come across and that you will help will be helpless, that would be why we are working with them, and are in need of a buffer from anymore abuse. We may need to change some of these convictions keeping in mind the end goal to work agreeably and for the best conclusion of our clients in the work setting. Maintaining a healthy relationship with your client you must keep tabs on moral issues identified by the “code of conduct” that you agree to when you decide to work in this field, you have to be attentive to individual qualities and how they may effect of the quality of care that you give.
The human service professional is central to the help process. They have the training to meet different human needs through an approach that utilizes special skills and knowledge. In doing so, the human services professional aims at both prevention and cure. The overall aim of human service professionals is to improve the general quality of human life. They strive to ensure that the community functions effectively. Therefore, human service professionals spend much time solving other people’s problems in a professional way. They do this by listening to their clients’ problems, helping the clients understand their problems and advising on the appropriate solutions to the problems in every unique situation.
Working with a Human Service Professional (HSP) in an equal relationship can help Gary change is basic leadership and conduct by working personally with the Gary; Human Service Professionals (HSP) experts recognize issues and make a plan for organizations to help Gary comprehend his issues. HSP cannot drive help on some person who need not bother with it, and they cannot accept control over a client 's life. Gary working with a Human Service Professional (HSP), it can help Gary by getting him set-up with the right assets, one being a care group for adolescents battling with getting prepared for the introduction of their tyke or dealing with their kid. Being a Human Service Professional (HSP) and having a proportional association with your customer is essential. Therefore, when working with Gary with the end goal him
A human service professional, plays a major role in society, working side-by-side with various professionals, and assumes a wide range of roles to assist individuals, groups, organizations and communities. Although human service professionals do not necessarily do in depth and psychotherapy, they are well-equipped to facilitate client change and growth typically by working directly or indirectly with clients around concrete tasks, objectives, and goals. A counselor, broker, advocate, case manager, community planner and behavior specialists are just few of the roles of a human service professional. (Lincoln University)
Professionals must uphold the rights and promote the interests of individuals experiencing abuse or neglect. If a service user is currently facing abuse or neglect they might find it difficult to talk to others and open up about how they feel and the issues going on in their life. They may feel that it makes them weak or they may even be afraid to talk about it as they are scared of a family member, another service user, a friend or a member of staff. All service users have different needs and are each unique in their own way. Some service users may struggle to protect their rights because they do not have the mental capacity to understand the implications of their circumstances. You should always consider how disrespectful remarks or actions will affect the service user’s self-esteem. Also you must not judge them or tell them that they are wrong. As a professional you must put your trust into the service user and believe that they are telling the truth. In addition professionals should never promise to keep a secret for a service user as this may put you and the service user at risk of harm. Therefore the service user should be informed that you will not keep a secret and make
This paper discusses the creation of "Just in Time Consulting" and explains the types of services the firm offers to clients. It also explains the roles/responsibilities of each member of the team, and analyzes which University of Phoenix courses helped in the creation of the consulting firm.
The helping process of being a human service is that they can evaluate a client’s need the process, they provide clients with emotional support. Working closely with the client, in as human service workers identify the problem and can be able to create a plan for services to help the client to solve these problems. There are five common therapeutic factors 1) maintaining a strong helper/client relationship. 2) increasing the client’s motivation and expectations of help. Example will be giving positive feedback, caring, encouraging supportive behavior. 3) Enhancing the client’s sense of mastery or self- efficacy like finding good the client does reinforcing good behavior and ignoring bad behavior. The human services professional must be able to show competency in the following area like the knowledge of the human systems and organizations, knowledge of the conditions that are conducive to the highest functioning in the human
A social worker can transfer attitudes to a service user, for example, they may be able to hold hope in a seemingly hopeless situation, alternatively they may communicate worthlessness to the service user causing them to capitulate and not expect any progress in their time of need. Therefore, it is important to communicate well and be aware that more than simply the words used communicate held opinions; body language and tone often tell the listener more than words do (Hargie and Dickson, 2004). Furthermore, actions such as keeping appointments and offering a drink in a meeting may also communicate that the service user is valued, this – along with many others – is a reason for me to develop strong organisational skills.
Empowering our clients should be the main focus, although providing clients with resources and helping with their immediate issues are important empowerment reins all. The clients that social workers will encounter will be some of the most disempowered people. Adversity will allow people to feel powerless and will ruin people’s self-esteem. The feeling of being powerless will make clients to become hopeless as a social worker it is our job to reassure and help the client realize their strengths and power.
As everybody is different and comes from different backgrounds, therefore give us all different values and beliefs, it is important to have an effective client-counsellor relationship based on four main areas of duty of care 1. Helper competence, 2. Client autonomy, 3. Confidentiality, 4. Client protection (Nelson-Jones, 2008). There will be times throughout the sessions with clients that your own values and belief creep in, and you do make judgement, therefore you as a counsellor have to know and acknowledge this happen and understand why it is happening.