
Client Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Client Paper 2

When we are in the human service profession we meet many clients with many needs that have to have our help. These needs can range from abuse, alcohol, drugs, personal, mental and physical dysfunction. You can also come across a large range or family issues that can lead to many harder issues to deal with. When you work with such clients you have to gain their trust to maintain they get the help and services they need to be able to move on with their goals. As human services workers we all work as a team to help all clients to meet their everyday needs, and it’s just not one person’s job to help the client.
When we get client in our agencies we need to put together a care plan of action as to what we are going to do to …show more content…

This to me is a good value as being a good human service worker. You need to be a good listener so that you and your clients can have a good reputation. This is also a good need for understanding of the client’s problems, you can learn how the client feels, their strengths and fears, you can build a rapport, this I all just by listening to your client and having the skill of listening to them. Also when you are in this field you need to use what is called the reflecting image which is when a client talks to you, you let the client know that its ok to continue to talk and make them feel more comfortable to talk. This is also a listening skill that makes a worker client relationship work. Then next you want to reassure the client feelings to them that they have told you. You also can make sure this is what they mean and what out of their feelings. Also a big part of the client worker relationship is restating what has already been said and making sure that they know you are knowley doing for them.

Client Paper 5
Toward the end of the section you want to summarize their needs with the client. At this point open up the floor for questions and any additional information needed. This would also be a good time to set a goal for the client to practice on the helping needs of counseling.
In conclusion you need to always keep an open mind when it comes to

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