
Closed Captioning Research Paper

Decent Essays

Deaf people have experienced many difficulties that hearing people do not encounter. As a hearing person, you can hear all sorts of sounds, whether you want to or not however, deaf people do not get the same opportunities. Imagine watching a TV show, or a vine, or a movie and not being able to hear what the people are saying. How would you feel if you were only able to watch the people on screen and had to guess what was going on? What if you could not hear the surrounding noises? As a way to allow deaf people to fully understand what is happening on screen, closed captioning was created.

Not all failures are bad. Some failures can create good ideas and great solutions to many different things. In 1970, the National Bureau of Standards and ABC-TV tried an experiment. The experiment failed but its failure lead to a major success, closed captioning. The First National Conference on television for the Hearing Impaired in 1971 debuted two ideas for closed captioning. The captioning ideas both displayed the captions on specially equipped devices for the deaf and …show more content…

When sound was introduced in 1927, deaf people were left out. Since then, many deaf individuals have fought and pushed for a way for them to be able to have the full experience of motion pictures and programs. Though many programs and movies have adopted the closed captions today, many programs did not support it in the beginning stages. Closed captions are words on the bottom of a screen that can be accessed through the settings of either the television or the movie. Closed captions can help individuals have a better understanding of what is going on and it can help them grasp the content on the screen better. Though closed captioning has been around for a few decades, there are still many flaws. The captions are not always in time with what the actors are saying and the words may be

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